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I finally got home thinking about my strange in counter with the hooded man , I shrugged it off thinking that it was just a random upset person who need time to cool off.
I closed the door , took of my shoes and yelled the usual "I'm home uncle"
I want to call him dad but I know it would be strange for him and he would feel uncomfortable.
"Your 5 minutes late what happened?"
I heard my uncles voice from the kitchen
"I was walking past the park saw a strange figure and-"
I was cut off to my uncle looking concerned
"A STRANGER!!! He didn't hurt or touch did he? Did you fight ? Oh please tell me you didn't fight or else I will be so mad and tired"
"Okay chill let me talk first. I went to watch him behind a tree he noticed I was there he seemed angry at something making him decay a swing and I talked to him that's it nothing more nothing less "
My uncle calmed down
"Damn kid you gave me a heart attack almost"
"No you gave yourself that because you didn't let me finish and just started assuming the worse"
He didn't say anything because he knows I'm right which I am most of the time
"Hey did that bakugo kid bother you today again?"
"Yeah but it was mostly my fault cause I got mad at him for bullying my friend izuku and burned his book... but he did leave me weird note"
His look got curious
"What kind of note"
"Umm he called me a princess and left a heart with his named signed on it"
I said with a hint of being unimpressed
"Well did he found out your quirk?"
"Nope I told you only izuku knows about that"
He sighed
"Alright just go to your room dinner will be ready soon so just do whatever"
I sighed following his orders

I was in my room
My room was painted the color pastel purple like my mother's eyes
The walls were covered in various posters of my favorite hero hawks and my uncle.
There was a large book shelf full with manga, story books, poetry, and some textbooks for middle school and more advance studies.
I sat on my chair sliding towards my desk that a stack of text books and twelve pictures of me and my mom including some with my uncle shota like the one of my birth where he looked like he was going to faint.
I missed my mom she was the first person that believed I could be a hero because she said that dad had a quirk like mine and uncle shota's quirk wasn't exactly called a hero's quirk at first.
I miss her so much...

"Y/n dinner time!"
I yelled "coming"
I went downstairs to the kitchen and to my surprise my uncle my made f/f that my mom would make me.
"Here you go kiddo , it might not be as good as your moms but it will do."
I sat down at the table and started eating I smiled
"You made it just like she would"
He smiled
"Yeah funny thing is she would make that for me too when it was just her and I alone at home back then"
"Hey uncle what was my moms real name again?"
"Hah you forgot again well it was hana , our parents named her that because she would always blossom like a flower "
I noticed how when he and I talked about mom his face would always light up.
"She was an amazing little sister "
"And a wonderful mom"
We both smiled
"Hey I know your scared about showing off your quirk , so I think I've might've found a way to help you"
I looked at him puzzled
"I have a necklace for you , I was supposed to give it to you after you got into U.A but it was your mothers"
"How can this help my quirk?"
"Your father had the same quirk as you , when he had something that belonged to someone he loved his quirk would become dreams and not nightmares"
My eyes widened
"I don't know how or why but it got stronger through the connection he had with that person"
"So this means my quirk can change?"
"In a way yes"
I smiled and hugged my uncle almost making him fall over
"Thank you shota"
His arms wrapped around me
"Your welcome y/n"

Quirk updated🤍🖤

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