Part 2 Chapter 1

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I awoke in a bed back at home as I looked at the familiar ceiling.

Tai: "Ah you're up! Good I was starting to get worried." He said sitting in a chair next to my bed.

Jazz: "What happened I felt as if I had my body ripped apart and put back together."

Tai: "Yeah that kinda what happened. Look at your arms and legs."

I looked worried so I ripped off the covers seeing cybernetic implants for my arms and legs.

Tai: "Dont freak out but, in the battle your arms were ripped off, your legs was damaged severely, and you lost an eye. So they had to replace them, Yang had lost her arm and got an arm too. We did it to keep you alive."

Jazz: "Well this ain't too JAZZ-Y if you ask me..." I chuckle as Dad sighs.

Tai: "Atlas also got you a new suit and sword with new abilities. He said he's sorry for what has happened and wants to repair it."

Jazz: "Well he kept me alive so I guess I can thank him for that." I sighed and put my feet on the floor. I stood up and nearly lost my balance. Dad catches me before I fall.

Tai: "Looks like you'll need some practice. And that's why I'm here." He smiles as I smile back.

With some assistance I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. An eye patch covers my left eye as my cybernetic limbs come into view.

 An eye patch covers my left eye as my cybernetic limbs come into view

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(Not mine if ya can't tell)

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(Not mine if ya can't tell)

I sighed and walked slowly down the stair getting used to the feel as I saw Yang with her newly implanted arm.

Jazz: "Hey Yang." She turned with excitement as she dashed to hug tackling me to the floor.

Yang: "I missed you and I'm glad you're okay!" She said as she held back tears.

Jazz: "I missed you too. Also wheres Ruby?" I asked hugging her back.

Yang: "She left going to Heaven with Juane, Nora, and Ren." She explained as I smiled.

Jazz: "I'm glad, if she wasn't then I'd force her too." I joke as Yang laughs.

We get up off the floor as Dad comes out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

Dad: "Breakfast is ready, now eat up because we'll train at 11!"

He said while we both head to the kitchen table. We sat at the opposite side sitting down with determination in our eyes. Our hands hovering over our silverware as we prepare to eat the food on the plate faster than the other.

Dad: "Draw!"

We dig in as our cybernetic arms pick up food and rush food to our mouths. Yang had the lead until I used my other arm leaving her in the dust.

I get up and wipe my mouth off.

Jazz: "I win, guess you could say you couldn't HANDLE it but it was KNIFE to battle again." I smirked while twirling a knife in my left hand.

Yang laughed while getting up. Nearly falling over. We out our plates in the sink as I grab my work out gear. (F/C) hoodie and black sweats. I walked out side and saw Dad sweep  Yang's feet.

Jazz: "Bravo Bravo, good to see you can still fight." I said congratulating him as it was my turn.

I step up and get into a stance as he charges. I stop time and move out of the way as he wen for a flying roundhouse. I resume but get taken by surprise when he grabs my head turning me around as he lands. I stumble as he upper cuts me jaw. As I flip back I bounce off my hands and land on my feet. This time I charge throwing a right hook knowing he'd see it coming. As planned he blocked it so I grab his right and twist it out forming a fist with my left and punching him across the face but he catches it. He twists it out and head butts me. I stumble back and shake the sizzling pain as I look up at a foot seconds from my face. I stop time to catch my breath.

Jazz: "Whew..." I look at my limbs and sigh.

I resume time grabbing his leg and carry his momentum over me to slam him into the floor but he grabs my arm and slams me instead.

Dad: "That concludes training for today. Be kids for a bit instead of soldiers." He said heading inside as Zwei handed him his towel and followed behind him.

Yang and I sat on the couch inside as I drank water.

Jazz: "So uh, when are you going to proclaim to Blake?" I asked as Yang's face turned straight red. "Uh Yang? Hello? Earth to Yang?"

Yang: "Dont worry about that."

Jazz: "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)."

Yang: "Just watch TV." She said as I smiled watching Phin and Frop on Dissy X C.

(A/N): So this is the end of this chapter.

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