Giovanni x Reader 🔠

Start from the beginning

You guys somehow took Car Crash's motorbike because that was the one thing he didn't seem to crash as you both seemed to head towards Giovanni's surprise. It honestly wasn't what you expected at all. A looming tower, with an itty bitty restaurant at the very top peering over the city with it's tiny balcony. With you both carefully hand in hand, you took the elevator up the building to the reservation desk. It was an awkward ride up, but even awkward wait. Before you guys decided to go on a date you guys were always so comfortable with goofing off with each other and laughing as much as you could till tears poured out of your eyes. Was it because Molly was there? Maybe it was because of that, or your nervous jitters. With a ding, you guys got off the elevator, and headed towards your impending doom.

This place was fancy- way too fancy. Like in movies fancy and anyone could tell that you both were way too out of place. Giovanni's slightly tacky yet cute baby blue button up and your dress romper didn't really fit in with all the shiny, gold and glitter people were wearing. You just really wanted to hide but Giovanni gave you a smile as you both walked up to the reception. After confirming one of the tables you two walked over and sat down. Too many shiny people were staring at you, but you just looked down at the too many plates, forks and three spoons! Who needed three spoons? Giovanni also noticed this conundrum as you both were greeted by a too prim and proper waiter. None of this just felt right, uncomfortable gitters kept you feeling as if you didn't fit in.

He showed you how to use the silver ware but he was so, grumpy about it. As if he didn't like the both of you at all. You mostly felt uncomfortable whenever he looked at you, with leering eyes. Once he left you felt like you could breathe. You and Giovanni shared a grossed out look, as you both did your best to try an communicate. But it was hard in this setting. When he told a joke, you really wanted to laugh. To chortle and snort, but you saw the eyes of everyone judging you and him. Giovanni could also tell that you were uncomfortable and he was getting slightly impatient. He just wanted you to have a nice time, to feel comfortable around him. But as soon as you could feel warm, a wet blanket had just arrived back with the smallest bowls of soup. As soon as you grabbed one of the many spoons, the waiter gave you one of the dirtiest looks you've ever seen. But he gave you a wry smile as he forcefully grabbed your wrist, making you drop the spoon with a gasp as he moved your hand to the other spoon.

That immediately caused chaos. When you winced, Giovanni immediately stood up and grabbed onto his arm, squeezing it as steam poured from it. The waiter pulled his arm back yelping from the burn. "Dude what the heck!" You could feel the stares but Giovanni didn't stand back down from this. "You have no right to grab her like that, and for what? Some silly spoon!" He had hissed back, sharp as his steam. You just stood up and grabbed his hand. "Hey, Giovanni- it's okay. I'm fine." He fought back, not really mad at you but how you were acting. "No! I'm not gonna let some punk step all over you because you won't stand up for yourself. And because I like you, I'm going to stand up for you when you can't." You smiled as he grabbed you hand and you went towards the balcony. The waiter was about to pull you back, but Giovanni whacked him back. "Hey you need to pay!" You immediately retorted back for Giovanni since he stood up for you. "No way! For what shitty soup? My boyfriend can make better soup than this place."
"Aww thanks babe. So nice- wait you actually- wait you actually called me you boyfriend! Oh I need to tell his to Bear Trap!" Giovanni flushed as you grabbed him by the waist as steam rushed from his feet and burst up as you both jumped off the building.

You could hear screams from behind you guys as you flipped them off. "We're bad guys and we do whatever the freakin' hell we want!" It felt like a scene from a movie as you both gracefully fell slowly and gently. Creating bubbles to hide yourselves from people thinking you were about to crash on the ground- you both laughed.
"How about we get out of this place and go and have  fun somewhere else? I think Bear Trap sent me some tickets for rollerblading?" You seemed so excited, and you both agreed that this may have not have been the best first date but technically this was only the first part of the first date. You both walked down the sidewalk, hiding the both of you whenever the coppers drove past. Hand in hand you both made it to the skating rink, using both of your tickets and sending Molly a thank you text- you and Giovanni tied your laces as you both helped each other with standing up. You were good at this, getting rollerblades instead of the skates with the four wheels, while Giovanni struggled- you carefully taught him how to fall and how to march. This was what you were hoping for in your first date with him. Both of you having a great time as you both laughed and fell down together. It hurt a tad, but the pain was washed away as it didn't make up for the joy that was bubbling within. Getting out of the rink, you both bought cheap pizza and spoke jokes. Laughter and disco lights were all you needed. This was pretty great, trashy food tasted way better than your terribly plain soup. All of this was just better.

Once it was time to close, you had managed to teach him how to cross over turn. He was a fast learner and was willing to learn- though practically covered you head to toe in safety pads. You both had an absolute blast; jumping from a building and roller skating the life away. But as you walked up the stairs to your run down apartment- you knew that this was just gonna be the first of many good times. He scratched his hair nervously as he lean down towards you. But before he could- Molly had slammed to door open as she took a picture as you both turned to look at her. "No! I thought I would be able to take a picture at the right time." You both laughed as Giovanni picked Molly up by the scruff of her bear hoodie. She quickly angled her phone as she grinned. "Say cheesy broccoli soup!" As you were about to say it Giovanni gave you a quick kiss as Molly missed it by just a second in her picture. "I missed it! Whyyy??? Aaah! I was gonna print it out and use it as blackmail." You both laughed as you ruffled her hair, as Giovanni let ho of her bear hoodie- she immediately ran and hugged your legs. "Hey hey hey, can we watch a movie?" You nod as she ran to go put in a DVD that you had for years. Warmth like this- sitting on the couch, curled up next to your two favorite people about to watch an awful movie with a horrible plot. This terrible first half date had led to an absolutely wonderful second half. And you loved this all even more, your boyfriend and your best friend.

Hey y'all, this took a while. I wanted to make sure it was good and had all the plot points I wanted covered. Hope you all enjoyed the time and energy I pour into these. I absolutely love Giovanni's theme so I put it in the book so you all can give it a listen! Have a nice day or night- I'mma sleep now.

2154 words

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