Lydia X Reader 🐜🍷

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Lydia Deetz x Reader
Lonely Dance

Loneliness is a cruel thing, so imagine your shock when your crying your eyes out in a bathroom stall and someone who you have never talked before is comforting you in your time of need. Pretty much a shocker as she gives you sweet words and a shoulder to cry on.

There were plenty of dark times in everyone's lives. You didn't feel high or low- you just felt empty sometimes and that brought consequences when being around others because you wouldn't smile that often and get uncomfortable hugging anyone or being around them. That still didn't mean that you weren't human. You could be hurt too- it's just that you had plenty of walls up that blocked others from hurting you.

At least you didn't have to many troubles and all you needed was your closest friend, Susie. She may have been a bright pink, fool but she was still sweet. At least to you, that's what you had thought. It's when you were staring at this dark girl, dressed everyday as if she was always attending a funeral. Completely devoided of all emotion, as her eyes met yours and there was this break in reality- you could almost see someone behind her as whatever was behind her turned their head at you. You immediately looked away from her intense stare- slightly flushed that you got caught as you could barely pay attention to the conversation. That was your falter when your friend immediately called you out on it. She first asked if you listened to anything she had said and when you silently shake your head no- you could see a falter in her eyes. Slight fury or anger, as she left you alone at your table with her other friends as you sat alone there playing with your food. Mostly just pushing it back and forth and breaking it down so that it looked like you were eating. 

That wasn't the only time that you noticed her breaking and her personality of anger lashing out at you or others around you. You should of left her earlier and been a loner like the girl who lived in shadow. One time when you forgot to smile in a picture she looked good in, she threw such a fit that you felt so bad as if you were about to choke with the 'frog' stuck in your throat feeling. Pushing it down, you just told her to crop you out and she seemed to stop her bursts of anger as she just smiled. She reminded you of the dance that you didn't want to attend but you would do it for her. She reminded you that you had to wear a certain dress and shoes. You winced as she hugged you and as you nodded at her she smiled a harsh grin as you headed back home.

When it was the day of the school dance, you wore the dress but you really wanted to wear the pin of your late father who was in the military. He died saving someone's life and even though it hurt you deep inside that he left you the least you could do was save and honor his memory at the dance. Your shoes were painful and the dress was too tight but you beared it all.
At the dance, you felt too many eyes on you. But when she approached you, you knew it wasn't out of the kindness of her heart. She called you out in the middle of the crowd- in front of most of the student body. It was all because of the pin, that she ripped off your dress. You were about to reach out for her to have it back when a feeling of cool liquid fell from you head and down your dress and seeped into your skin.

This was the breaking point. Pushing people out of the way and knocking them to the ground, you  didn't hear the laughter anymore as you heaved yourself into the bathroom and in an empty stall. Where your breathing became erratic as you slam your hand on the bathroom stall. Shaking and trying to hold yourself together as salt mixed with the sweet punch. You didn't even hear the door open, but when you noticed the bright red dress- completely puffy and light. Someone was sitting in front of the door. Sniffing hard and pulling at the toilet paper, it snapping and you blew into it as the girl just sat there.

"What do you want?" With a sniffle and rubbing your eyes, you felt a shaking sort of hurt inside of you. A burning from your eyes tells you that your probably shouldn't have rubbed the sugary drink with your hands. "Bold of you to assume that I actually want something from you." The voice said in a tone which you couldn't help but laugh at. "So? Why are you here with me in a bathroom?" You eyes seriously burned as you did your best to wipe it away the runny make-up, the tears and punch. The voice replied back at you, almost soft. "I wanted to see if you were okay? I saw you run in here." You sniffed and held yourself in your arms. "How do I know your not lying?" She muttered a bit to herself, but spoke what she thought out loud. "It's not a matter of trust right now- but more of a matter of are you doing okay? Cause I have a feeling that your not." You open the door, the burning of your eyes unbearable. You could barely see her besides her bright red dress and her stark dark hair. As she moves out of the way of you heading towards to sink, she makes her way towards the door.

You thought she was going to leave and in the close reality of being alone again- you held onto the vermilion of her dress. She quickly turns around to grasp your hand tightly, a soft smile. "It's okay- I'm just going to get some paper towel. Okay? I'm not gonna leave out of your sight." You nod with a sniff as you wash the punch out of your eyes. The only time when Lydia left was when she went to get a gym uniform from your locker so that you could wear it. "Here- it's mot much but I don't wanna leave you soaked in punch." You nod as you recoiled back into a stall to change. Now in a gym uniform and cleaned, did you take a good look at the girl who had helped you through it all. "We never introduced ourself to each other, huh?" She extends out a hand as you shook it carefully. "Lydia Deetz. Nice to meet you." You nod and return the favor by giving her your name. Lydia just hums, as she sinks to the bathroom floor her dress unfurling around her like a wave of wine. You also sit down next to her as you both sigh. "Now let's talk." She said, breaking the ice. "About what exactly?"
"Anything! I'll start off."

"Susie is a bitch." Lydia had immediately said after which caused you to burst out laughing. "What? It's true! She looks like a chihuahua pup dressed up in a brand Barbie's doll clothing." Your laughter filled the bathroom, as she suddenly brought you into a hug. Shock evident as she whispered in your ear. "You doing better?" As you nod, she smiled slightly as she pulled out something from seemingly nowhere. She scoots closer and pins it to your dress. "Now- you have your heart back." She had somehow managed to get your father's pin back and in your excitement you hug onto her tightly before letting go. "Okay, okay- you can thank me later. Let us stand up though, the floor is making my ass sore." You snort as you help her up from the ground. She grabs your hand and pulls out her phone. "I know it's not much but-" she plays a kinda jazzy rock song on her phone as she places it down on the sink counter. "Care to have this dance?" You nod, as you both dance a slow dance to the quick paced song.

Surely loneliness bites ass, but now you have a friend who actually was way better then the friend that you never really had. As the song ended, you quickly kissed Lydia on the cheek. "Though this was a hell dance- it was nice to dance with you in hell." Her face slightly pinker than before as she smiled. You didn't need much anymore, all you needed was a lonely dance with Lydia Deetz.

Wow- it's been a while. Sorry if I haven't gotten to your request! I mostly start working when I get motivated, and I had this idea in the works for a while. I just didn't know how and what to do- I'll start trying to work with requests, but I need to try and motivate myself to do them. I also and working on making quick sketched of the characters up in the top- what did y'all think of Lydia? Remember to have a nice day and that you aren't alone!

1461 Words

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