Can they do it again? Can they pull through this challenge too—no matter how wildly different than what they're trained for?

"Can we just pause for a second?" Huening Kai says, trying not to pout too explicitly.

Soobin sighs, settling down next to the youngest member. "I know we're moving fast."

"That's an understatement."

Soobin is silent as he helps Kai distribute the food. Kai is just thankful that his best friend, his glue, is here not to judge him. He has the kindest leader in the history of bands, and he has to remain thankful. As thankful as he can be in the face of death.

"Which one is your favorite?" Soobin asks, back to his gentle spirit.

Huening Kai takes a long time to decide. In the end, the decision is impossible, because he's trained himself to be impartial to anything cute, including feline friends. They remind him of his plushies at home. He can already pick out names for some of them.

"They're all my favorite. Of course, they can't compare to Sesame."

"Of course," Soobin echoes.

They stay like this for a long time. Huening Kai begins to reminisce on the first day he met Soobin. The older boy had screeched, droning on about how cute he was. Soobin squeezed his cheeks and danced around like an electrified penguin.

At first, Huening Kai had thought Soobin was making fun of him. So he remained quiet and guarded. But Soobin kept staying by his side. They had McDonalds for breakfast before dance practice, talked to only each other in the company, and were rarely seen apart.

Now, he knows better. Soobin actually likes him for who he is.

A warrior and an archer. The roles kind of fit them, really. One is meant to charge forward and act like a shield. The other stands back and does an insane amount of damage. They really are a good team. And with the three other members, they could be indestructible. Maybe Topaz is right—they have what it takes to win against the Mage.

In this city filled with too many buildings and endless lights, Kai looks up. He finds Soobin, seeing those familiar dimples and cheeks puffed like a chipmunk's in concentration. He sees a bond forged in the space of a year. And he sees comfort—everything given in the years Soobin has taken care of him.

I mean, what kind of friend would wake him up every morning, making sure he gets to school on time?

"Thank you for being my friend," he says, softly.

Soobin's eyebrows pinch together. "Why are you acting all sad? You know we'll come out of this crazy nightmare. I'm going to be here for you even if a thousand Mages decide to cast spells on us at once. You have nothing to worry about."

Kai nods, shaking his head to dispel the temptation to cry. "You're my gum."

"It's the other way around," Soobin says. He pets one of the strays, the gray one, in a casual motion. "But close enough."

They continue adoring the cats until the last piece of chicken is gone. Then Soobin stands and helps Huening Kai to his feet as well.

"Are you ready?" Soobin asks.

Huening Kai is just glad his leader spared time to help him feel better. "Yes."

"Okay," Soobin pulls out his smartphone, pointing to a map of several multicolored lines. "We can catch line 1, heading east. Yeonjun couldn't have gone very far. We'll get off maybe on the second stop. And then we should stick together while looking for him."

Huening Kai smiles, glad they're on the same page again. "I think there's no need to worry. We'll all be together as five soon."

Soobin nods and begins to head in the direction of the metro. "That's what I'm praying for."

Huening Kai has never heard of the expression from his leader before. But he guesses that the desperate times are making TXT more spiritual. God shouldn't have a problem in eliminating the Black Mage and dispelling his power, right?

Kai turns around just before descending the stairs to the platform. The three cats have followed them.

With one simultaneous hiss, the cats lean forward and bare their fangs. Their eyes glow a cherry shade of red, with their fur standing on end. To Kai's eyes, they become minions of the Black Mage. Although frozen in fear, he forces his legs to move. Following his leader down the steps, he doesn't voice anything about the cats becoming monsters.

But he swears the hisses follow him and Soobin, even far along the platform. He doesn't breathe normally until the doors to the line 1 train closes.

He hopes those cats don't have too many friends.

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