2 - Yeonjun

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Yeonjun races down one of the strips of Waikiki Beach. He has a smile like no other, a kind of joy that captures his heart and makes him feel like he's flying. The ocean smell and sand underneath his feet is everything he's wanted for years. Before their debut, they visited Jeongdongjin in South Korea. But back then, he was more nervous than ever. Today feels like a celebration.

"I can't believe this," he says, once he catches up to Huening Kai.

"Can't believe what?" Kai says.

He gives Kai a wide smile, which Kai returns with one of his own. It's only been a year, but already they've accomplished so much. They've played at multiple shows, won rookie awards, and released three albums. He's sure Huening knows what he's referring to.

Yeonjun lays down on the sand. The sunset is coming, so the sky is painted in warm orange and healing tones of purple. Kai sits beside him. The quiet is solid, but together they make a good pair. Sure, people recognize them on the street—but they have each other for defense. Their manager would freak, but they're in Hawaii for crying out loud. There's nothing wrong with a little sneaking about.

Out on the skyline, a tiny maple leaf flashes—only visible for a second. Yeonjun's sure it was a mirage of some sort. Still, the memories come back to him.

"Hey, do you remember that game?" he asks. "It's called MapleStory. I played it all the time when I was a kid."

"Of course I remember that game," says Kai. "It's the greatest online game to ever exist."

Yeonjun rolls his eyes. Of course Huening Kai would know about MapleStory. He's the expert on everything cute. He makes a promise to himself he'll check out the game later. For now, he's overwhelmed once again of what TOMORROW X TOGETHER has become.

"I'm just happy," says Yeonjun. "I think that everything led up to this. All those sleepless nights as a trainee, practicing until we almost passed out.... We've been performing for MOA for over a year. Let's enjoy this vacation and make a comeback with even better music."

"Maybe some rapper Huening?" Kai teases. He begins to make a drawing in the sand, using his finger in wide strokes.

Yeonjun feels his chest heat up for some reason. He reaches out and steadies Kai's hand. "What are you doing?"

Kai looks guilty for some reason. He peers out to the turquoise ocean, the teal sky, the orange fading in the distance. He laughs nervously and tries to twist away. Yeonjun sneaks a glance at the sand, finding the outline of half a maple leaf.

"Did you see Soobin on the stage the other day?" Kai says.

Yeonjun's thoughts shift back to his favorite childhood game. What was that feeling in his chest? He's never felt such a panic since their debut evaluation, and that's quite a high mark to reach. "I think so. He froze up, like he saw a ghost in the crowd or something." Something in his spirit twists with an ache, like Soobin is hiding some secret that is hurting him. He knows how the members are, how they can sometimes try to mask their pains.

Kai laughs again, but it's restrained. Maybe he's worried about Sesame. Yeonjun's still not sure why they adopted him, a black cat with midnight blue eyes. Kai got obsessed with cats after learning about many-worlds interpretation. He claims that owning one means that they've successfully carved out a timeline of their own. Something to do with "." Creepy stuff.

Yeonjun gulps, promising he'll also check up on their leader. "I'll ask him about it. Don't worry."

Kai nods. "I just hope he's okay."

A/N: hope you guys are looking forward to more!

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