12 Island of the Giant Pokémon

Start from the beginning

Wartortle laughed at me before continuing.

"Ha ha, very funny. I can't adjust to it as quickly as you can, you know—"

He suddenly made a loud yelp.

"What's wrong?!"

Dismissing my worry, Wartortle pointed towards some nearby trees. A body lay face-down in the sand.

I recognized his spiky, black hair pretty easily. "Ah! No way! It's Ash!" We rushed over to Ash's side, where I anxiously shook his shoulder. "Hey, are you all right, Ash?! Come on! Wake up!"

It started as breathing being his only movement. Slowly, though, he stirred, twitching his fingers. "What... what is it?"

Hearing his voice let me relax. "Oh good. You're fine."

He struggled to sit up, and I gave him some space. "Ro... Rosa? Where... are we?"

"Not sure yet. A deserted island from the looks of it, but don't ask me how we got here. I still wonder how we survived that cyclone."

"We must've been lucky, but I don't see Misty or Brock anywhere..."

"Nope. Luxio and Pikachu are missing too..."

"Luxio and... Pikachu?!" He shot up onto all fours, looking around. "Pikachu! Where's Pikachu?! Not just yours! My Pikachu's gone too—Ow!" He slapped a hand to his forehead.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, take it easy! You might've hit your head when you landed!"

"Yeah, I think I did... Oh no!" Glancing down, he also lacked Poké Balls on his belt. "Not just Pikachu! I only have two Poké Balls!"

"Oh no! Who's all missing?"

"Er... Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander it looks like."

I frowned, exchanging looks with Wartortle. "This day just keeps getting worse and worse. Okay, we'll add them to the list. Let's just get going, Ash. We have to find everyone as quickly as we can."

"Right." Ash checked over his bag and put on his hat.

I looked at my Pokémon. "Why don't you go inside now?" He immediately voiced his opinion on that one. "I know you want to help search, and I really appreciate it. I just want you to get a little rest first. That's all. Plus, who knows who or what we'll run into here?" Wartortle made a frown before letting himself into his Poké Ball. I rubbed my cheek against it. "Thank you, Wartortle."

Ash stood up beside me. "Hopefully, none of our Pokémon got split up like we did."

"I sure hope not." We headed off into the thick jungle.

It was long past sunset before I snapped out of a trance. We walked all through the night without a single sign of our friends, neither Pokémon nor people. Ash and I paused when my Pidgeotto finally returned from a scouting mission. Judging by the look on her face, "You didn't find them, did you?"

She looked upset and apologized. "It's alright, Pidgeotto. This isn't your fault, and you searched your hardest. Go ahead and take a rest in the ball now." I recalled my Pokémon.

"Man, where did our Pokémon end up?" Ash groaned.

I made a pouty face. "I'm so worried. And this island isn't helping. They could literally be anywhere!" My hands yanked on my long locks, and I felt my sanity fading fast.

"Maybe they all got eaten by wild Pokémon...?" Ash muttered.

I nearly smacked him. "Why would you even joke about something like that?!"

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