Chapter 9 - Bad As I Thought

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Zipper was not back from paternity leave, so Fat Gum asked Team Dragon to patrol for a few more weeks in his absence. To pass the time on slow, routine patrol days you and Kirishima each entertained the other with small competitions or games.

Who could hold their breath while walking the most blocks? You.

Who could piggyback the other around the park faster? Kiri.

Try to make it an entire day without stepping on the cracks on the sidewalks. You both failed.

You would catch yourself grabbing his hand to lead him down hallways after class when you were famished for lunch or laying your head on his shoulder when everyone watched television, occasionally falling asleep in the process. He would frequently be forced to pick you up and toss you over his shoulder if you were taking too long looking at a dress or a pair of shoes in a shop window. You'd watch videos together in his room on his laptop. You always had to remind him to floss after meals and constantly begged him to wear his hair down. Every now and then he'd oblige, which only led to you ruffling his red locks throughout the day.

Kirishima had seemingly overnight become your best friend. Between all the patrolling, classes, weight room sessions, and forcing him to do homework with you – he'd never do it left to his own devices - the two of you were inseparable. 


The week after Bakugou's party, Fat Gum invited you and Kirishima to his offices after your normal patrol to discuss the assault you'd cut short.

"The injured man, Tanaka Kobe, has been released from the hospital." You breathed a sigh of relief at Fat Gum's words. "He had a few broken ribs, a lot of bruising, and that gash on his arm but nothing life threatening."

"Do we know why he was in the alley?" you questioned.

"Tanaka-san was a delivery man for a company that supplies the Hero Association with its tech, communication devices, headsets, watches, that kind of stuff. He was attacked on a delivery." You and Kirishima looked between each other puzzled.

"Those three men you took down are in custody. Apparently that alleyway is a common drug drop-off location," Fat Gum continued. "The criminals thought Tanaka-san's package contained drugs and jumped him for the stash. When they opened it and discovered it was full of headsets, they started the beating. That's where you stepped in."


"The police lab confiscated the package, standard operating procedure when a crime is involved. All they can tell us is that the headsets are produced by a company called Gorgon." Fat Gum handed Kirishima a photograph. The earpiece was a small slate-grey circle with a hook to wrap around the ear. There was nothing remarkable about it.

"Well, we're glad we could help out." Kirishima handed the photograph to you for further inspection.

"Fat Gum, there's been another paralysis victim," one of Fat Gum's sidekicks, Suneater said, poking his head around a computer monitor.

"A what?" You dropped the photograph onto the closest desk.

Fat Gum hesitated before answering. "It seems there's been a few instances of emergency personnel winding up paralyzed. They'll be still for two or three days and then snap back to normal. We're not sure if it's quirk-related or if there's a drug or toxin on the streets that these people are encountering."

"Can we help?" Kirishima perked up.

"Nothing for you to concern yourselves with. You've been a big help on patrols. Let's just be extra vigilant about that alleyway from now on."

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