A familiar face

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No ones POV

They didn't quite understand what she was saying at first, but when the voice got clearer they heard it loud and clear. The voice of a little girl echoed through the training camp halls. Hayami thought it was a ghost, which made Hamano excited, while Tsurugi and Shindou thought otherwise. Well... there was only one answer. That only Tenma could find.

The training camp had just begun but it felt like they'd been there for ages. Tenma was talking with Fei and Tsurugi while Shindou went exploring. Hayami was with Hamano, terrified by this due to the fact that this place may as well be haunted. Kirino was making sure Kariya didn't do something stupid, and Hikaru... was just being Hikaru. Endou was talking with Kidou and Otanashi. Everything was fine until they heard noises. Voices, three voices. Tenma was curious as to what the voices were and wanted to see what they were, but Shindou said not to. But Tenma wasn't the only one curious. Kinako was too. He made sure no one was looking and ran towards the voices. He ignored the sounds of Shindou and Tsurugi calling after him and kept running.
"You got all that... right 3?"
"Good. 8, standby for a bit"
"Marc? Marc are you there?"
"Yep!! What's up?"
"I'm sending 3 to you. Ok?"
"Roger that!"
"3... take care of her"
"Will do."
Two of the three walked away, but Tenma thought there was something... familiar about the third one. She began looking left and right and the started kicking a ball around. It echoed off the walls and landed at his feet. He quickly kicked it back but she had already seen him. "Please don't tell them I'm here!!" She pleaded, referring to, most likely the Raimon team, Fei, Wondeba, Kinako, Tove and Taiyou. Tenma nodded and the girl thanked him and began kicking the ball against the wall again.


"Tenma!?" Called Shindou. "Tenma where are you??" Shouted Tsurugi. They looked everywhere but couldn't find Tenma. This made Tsurugi worry a little on where the brunette had ran off to. "I found him!" Kinako said. "Where!?" Tsurugi asked sounding quite panicked. Kinako pointed over to Tenma and the other person. They all hid behind a wall and tried to hear what was being said. "You're actually willing to help me?" The girl said "of course!" Replied Tenma. "Thanks Matsukaze. You're a lifesaver!" "Anytime Niko" Tsurugi was confused on what Tenma had agreed to until he saw Niko take something from her pocket at hand it to Tenma. "Eh?" He said confused. Then Niko pulled out something of her own. "Again, thanks Tenma!" She said smiling. "It's nothing!" Tenma replied smiling back. Tsurugi was curious as to what was going on, and Kinako was tempted to interfere but Fei stopped her. "If you're gonna learn about this stuff then you need to expect the unexpected. That device I gave you is a curling bomb. Throw and watch how it works." Niko explained. Tenma nodded as he threw the small object onto the floor, watching it as it slid. This made Tsurugi even more curious. "Hm? Minna!?" Tenma shouted in shock, starting at his teammates. "Eh!? Nope bye Tenma see ya later- oh wait... if I leave... then I'm gonna get one hell of an earful from Lilia...." she said, sliding her back down the wall. When she landed on the floor, her stance was like that of a lifeless doll. She didn't move, nor did she dare to speak. "Matsukaze what were you helping her with?" Tsurugi asked. "Huh? Oh, it was nothing to be honest. She just needed some company." Tenma replied smiling at Tsurugi. His cheeks were a little red, but the room was so dark Tsurugi didn't notice. Shindou walked over to Niko and sat next to her, most likely seeing if she was ok. He looked and at her, a little worried about what was wrong with her. "Niko?" He said softly. "...yes?" The girl replied rubbing her tired eyes. "Are you alright?" Shindou asked. "I'm just tired.." she replied. Shindou nodded but stayed where he was. Niko was confused at first, but just shrugged it off. "8? We're ba-"Lilia said "They must be Raimon..." Niko was talking to the Raimon Team about practice and that she wanted to make a new Hisatsu technique. Shindou thought it was a good idea and that it would benefit the team. This made Tenma instantly agree, since as long as it benefited the team, he was all for it. They started wondering what kind of it would be, like defense or offense, and since Niko was a forward, they went for offense. The next day everyone worked really hard at the training camp, upping their stamina and speed, and making their shots even more powerful. It seems... Tenma has found part of our answer.

To be Continued

Niko: ...*sleeping*
Shindou: ...wow.
Tenma: thank god that light was off...
Tsurugi: What was that Tenma?
Tenma: Eh!? N-nothing!! Stay Fresh everyone!!!

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