Truth or Dare with the crew!

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Tenma: What happened to Ranmasa?

Niko: This is Ranmasa! AND Maybe even Kyouten!

Tenma: Where even is everyone?

Niko:... *looking at phone*

Tenma: ?

Niko: everyone but the managers and 3rd years are on their way.

Tenma: Wait but I thought if Shindou was here so would Akane~Chan...

Niko: Akane~San is sick and Midori~Senpai and Aoi~Chan are taking care of her. And the 3rd years don't trust me....especially Kurama~Senpai..

The Others: We're Here!

Niko: Tch.. You took your sweet time *laughs* Tenma got here a while ago.

Shindou: Well excuse me.. 'Princess'

Niko: What was that Shindou!?

Shindou: *Has a smug look on his face*

Niko: Grr.... *Jumps on Shindou* I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THOSE WORDS!!


Kirino: Um... What did we miss?

Tenma: Shindou insulted Niko, now she's mad.

Kirino: *Sighs and pulls Niko off Shindou* Calm down please Niko..

Niko: ....*mumbling* Breathe in.... Breathe out.....

Kariya: Does Niko~Chan have feelings for S-


Kariya: Eep!

Niko: Ahem.. Anyways, ON TO TRUTH OR DARE!! Yay!

Nobody's POV

"Aight!" Niko said. "Who's first?" The room was silent. "Iny meany miney YOU!" Niko said suddenly pointing at Hikaru. "Hikaru you go first!" "o-ok! Um.. Kirino~Senpai! Truth or dare?" Hikaru asked Kirino. "Dare!" Kirino replied. "Um... I dare you to.... spend thirty minutes alone with Kariya in...." Hikaru said trying to think. "In this houses guest room! Just down the hall!" Niko chimed in. Kirino's face was mad and red. "Fine.." He said grabbing Kariya's arm and going into the room. "Ok... so while they do that... Nishiki, you go next." Niko said "Alright! Shindou, Truth or Dare?" Nishiki asked sounding rather enthusiastic "Dare I guess.." Shindou replied. Nishiki got an empty glass bottle and put it in the middle of the small circle everyone was sitting in. "You have to hug whoever the bottle lands on." He said cheekily. "W-What!?" Shindou questioned. "Its a dare Shindou~Senpai~~" Niko teased. Shindou put his hand on the bottle and spun it. "And it landed on.......Drumroll please!" So everyone gave Nishiki a drumroll.. "Niko!" "You what!?" Niko asked standing up. She then said.."Special Technique... Turn and Bolt" She turned around and immediately ran to her room and shut the door. "Niko please don't make it hard for either of us.." Shindou complained. "Fine.." Niko replied opening the door "I deserve it anyways... I hate karma." And so they hugged. "Ok! Tenma truth or dare!" Shindou said. "Dare!" Tenma said with a big smile on his face. "I dare you to... Kiss Tsurugi." Shindou said with a smug smile on his face. The only thing Tenma heard was 'Kiss' and 'Tsurugi'. His face went red and he put his hands over it. Tenma then looked at Tsurugi. "S-Sorry Tsurugi.." Tenma said and then... *Chu* Tsurugi and Tenma's faces immediately went red with embarrassment. "I think thats enough for today... so I'm gonna get Kirino~Senpai and Kariya~Kun.." Niko said. "Not so fast" Shindou interrupted "You still haven't gone." 'Shoot!' Thought Niko. "....." "Truth or Dare?" Shindou asked "Eh? Um... Truth I guess.." Niko said unsure of what she might have to say. "Why do you wear those goggles?" Shindou asked. "...Well...That's...It's because um....It's personal..." She said "But if I have ta (ta is what we Irish folk say instead of to by the way :>) tell ya then.... It's because of my eye... but that's a different story.. For now, MY FAVOURITE TV SHOW IS ON AND I NEED TO WATCH IT!!" She said immediately running to her couch and turning on the TV

Tenma: Stay Fresh Everyone!

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