Chapter 5: Every puzzle has an answer

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Tenma: this is hard...
Niko: What is?
Tenma: *shows puzzle*
Niko: every puzzle has an answer, even if that answer isn't clear at first.
Tenma: can you solve it?
Niko: *already done* yep
Tenma: thanks!
Niko: no problem.

Tsurugi's POV

Tenma was holding his head even more. The pain must have gotten worse. "Tsu-Tsurugi? I- I don't feel too good..." the brunette pulled on my jersey covering his mouth.. was he gonna puke!? I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the nearest bathroom where he threw up... I was glad he told me when he did or else... "You ok?" I asked softly "My head is really sore Tsurugi..." he whispered. I looked at him worriedly, what's wrong with him? I decided to bring him to the hospital to see if they knew what was wrong. When we got there I saw Niisan and one of the doctors. "Kyousuke? Shouldn't you be in school?" He asked. I pointed to Tenma who was pale, holding his head and looked as if he were going to black out. Niisan nodded and left us alone.

A little while later

Tenma's headache was caused by lack of sleep apparently. The doctor said he could go home but he had to be looked after. Lack of sleep though? I held his hand and brought him to my house and told him to sit on the couch. "Tenma... how long has it been since you've slept?" I asked. "About 3 days..." he replied. I looked at him as my eyes widened. " 3 DAYS?!" I said shocked by his answer. " WHY??" "I- I've just been having trouble sleeping that's all..." he said softly. His eyes started to water, I could tell he was gonna cry. And he did. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his head. "It's ok..." I told him softly. "Do you remember why you couldn't sleep?" I asked. He shook his head. A new puzzle has awoken.  When we came to school the next day I told everyone what happened. Everyone was shocked. "A puzzle you say?" Asked Midori. "Isn't there a first year that's said to be extraordinary with puzzles?" We all looked at her confused. "She's right" Kurama said. "There is" everyone started mumbling. "I think I know who you mean..." Hikaru said softly. "You do Hikaru? Who??" Shindou asked. "I'll go find her" and he scurried off. "Her?" Aoi said. When Hikaru returned we saw someone behind him. It was Niko. "I see we meet again eh?" She smiled. "So you're good with puzzles?" Amagi asked. "Yep" that's when Shindou asked the question; "have you ever left a puzzle unsolved?" "A true gentleman never leaves a puzzle unsolved." She replied. " Gentleman?" Kirino asked. "You heard me. I may be female, but I'm still a gentleman in training and at heart." She smiled. So... you wanna know why he can't sleep? Have you not noticed the markings on his arms and legs?" She asked smiling. My eyes widened. She was right, there were marks. "Tenma?" Shinsuke asked worriedly. "S-Sorry everyone." He apologized. "Puzzle solved." Niko said smiling. "Now it's time I took my leave. May her grace lady Irene allow our paths to meet again. Farewell and best wishes!" And she ran off. My attention was directed back to Tenma, who's wounds were being bandaged by Otanashi~Sensei. "Late night training?" Shindou asked. Tenma nodded. I sighed and looked at him "you had us really worried Tenma." I smirked. "I'm sorry it's just... it's hard to sleep after you've seen something scary!!" He blurted out then immediately covered his mouth. "Something scary?" Akane asked. "It was frightening and I was trying to get my mind off it, that's all." He said. We all nodded. As long as he was ok, I'm fine with it. "H-how about we all get ramen? My treat for causing trouble!" He asked everyone but Hikaru nodded. "Hikaru?" He asked "we should invite Niko~Chan too. If it weren't for her we we wouldn't have known right?" Hikaru asked. Tenma nodded. "Ok so... I'm here because you wanted to apologize for bothering me? You don't have to ya know. I wasn't doing much and I love me a good puzzle but if you insist... fine. I'll come." She agreed. Tenma smiled as we walked to the ramen place. When we got in he immediately asked everyone what they wanted. After food everyone sat at the riverbank and started talking. "You're a noisy lot, aren't ya?" Niko asked laughing. We all looked at her. Kurama and the other seniors (except Hamano, Hayami, Shindou, Kirino or Nishki) looked at her furiously. "SIDEWINDER!!" Shouted Kurama kicking a ball at her. She managed to dodge the attack, but it was close. "Hey now laddie, that's no way to act." She laughed more. "I'm merely 'aving an opinion." She wiped tears out her eyes from the laughing. Kurama looked even madder but Sangoku managed to calm him down. "Well now... would ya look at the time.. I best get home or I'm gonna get one hell of an earful from Agent 3..." She said, her laugh fading. "See ya tomorrow lads and lassies." She said smiling and waving. We all looked at the time and Tenma offered we stay at his house since it was the closest. Everyone agreed and we stayed at Tenma's for the night.
Niko: and done!
Tenma: I'm assuming you're tired?
Niko: yep
Shindou: *yawns*
Niko: wow... even Shindou's tired.
Tenma: Oof
Niko: welp I best be off. Cya peeps!!
Tenma: Stay Fresh!!!

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