Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream

Start from the beginning

"Yes it's me. Uh....I thought everyone would be asleep by now. Well, besides the guards of course." Simon confesses.

Dawnmist tilts her head considering. "That's why you didn't come back with the rest of us. I heard about what happened with Sparkpaw and Goldenclaw and all. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I..." His amber eyes stare down at the ground. "I'm just fine. But thanks for asking."

"You know, I was rejected once too. Though, when I look back on it now, I'm not sure I was ever in love with him anyways." Dawnmist confesses.

Simon's ear perk up at that. "You were? Who, um, if it isn't too impolite to ask...who did you like Dawnmist? I didn't realize you ever did..."

"Like someone?"

"Yea." He nods dumbly.

From what he knew of Medicine Cats, they did not mate. Nor did they ever have kits in their lifetime. It was a very unusual thing for a cat to do. Even though he was young Simon could not imagine living life without finding a mate and having children with her someday.

"Haha I know what you're thinking. And yes I did. His name is Frondleap." She tells him.

"Oh, I'm surprised. Of all the cats, I wouldn't have imagined..." Simon trails off.

Dawnmist dips her head at that, looking rather bashful. "Well, most cats thought I would like Arrowheart if anything. Even from a young age everyone knew he was strong and level-headed. The perfect makings of a leader." She didn't sound wistful, but there was clear admiration in her tone. Simon can respect that. He and Arrowheart were not exactly friends, but they weren't not friends either. I wonder where we stand now....

"That's nice. Uh, I guess I could see it too, except for the fact that he's-" Simon gets cut off by a paw on his muzzle, keeping his mouth firmly clamped shut.

"Shhh Simon. You mustn't say it out loud. Arrowheart isn't ready for that yet. Do you understand?" Dawnmist stares at him worriedly.

"Oh, I didn't realize. He hasn't...." come out yet. The thought hit him in a random spurt. Back in the neighborhood, no one cared if someone was gay or bisexual or really anything that fell into the LGBTQ+ category. It simply did not matter to house cats or humans, not in this day and age. But HunterClan must be more traditional I guess. I don't think the other clans ads though, so I think the Shadowhunters are just behind the times.

"Yes. He has not. And that's completely okay. He'll do it when he's ready." Dawnmist says this with a challenge in her tone, as though she was daring him to speak against it. Simon was reminded just how good of a friend Dawnmist is with Arrowheart. It was no wonder she was being so protective over the other Shadowhunter.

"Yea. I'm sure he will." Simon mews. "Uh if that's all I should probably..." I should probably what? Go? But where would I go? I don't want to see Sparkpaw right now, and I don't think the Warriors will let me sleep there...

"Simon, if you don't want to sleep somewhere away from Sparkpaw, you're welcome to stay in the Medicine Cat den. Featherflight won't mind, and Violetpaw could use the company." She tells him.

"A-are you sure? And, uh, how is Violetpaw doing exactly?" He asks.

"Violetpaw is doing fine. The herbs helped her out a lot but her leg...." Dawnmist sighs. There is an unspoken thought laying heavy in the air, unable to be worded out loud. "But never mind that. Of course you can come. So let's get moving. I'd like to get some sleep tonight."

Simon follows Dawnmist to her den. The fallen tree that laid over the entrance to the small, cave-like room. Herb smell was heavy in the air, sweet and spicy and bitter all at once. Featherflight was curled up in his nest made of feathers and furs. A few clumps of moss were woven in between, and when he peered close enough Simon could see a few juniper berries were clasped underneath the tom's paw.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now