Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)

Start from the beginning

Dawnmist steps forward. Her pale tail flicks behind her in greeting. "Hello Shynose. We've come to see Vinestar. One of our apprentices, Violetpaw was hit by a monster. I was hoping that Doebelly might be able to give me some herbs to help her."

The FaerieClan cats were startled by the Medicine Cat's words. Beckonstep and Harryfur sent sympathetic glances their way that made Arrowheart's stomach feel sick. It flopped around with a writhing sort of pain. He usually was not impatient, but right now he, like Goldenclaw, wanted to be on their way. Dawnmist had told him before they left camp that the longer it took for them to get help, the less likely it would be that the apprentice would ever walk again. For such an energetic young cat to lose the use of one of her hind would be heartbreaking to say the least.

"Shynose, we have to help them. Violetpaw deserves help." Springpaw mews urgently to her mentor. Arrowheart knew the little she-cat had spoken to Violetpaw a few times at the past Gatherings, a sort of friendship kindling between them.

"Quiet Springpaw." Beckonstep spoke lowly. "Shynose must be allowed to make this decision without bias of any shape or form."

Shynose gives her clan mate an approving nod, shooting her own apprentice a withering look. Springpaw cowers away from that reprimanding look, her white paws digging into the moist earth. The chirping sounds of crickets filled the air, a surprising sound in the cool fall weather.

"Vinestar would find this meeting...interesting. But, I must warn you that she would not want to see all of you in our sacred home. Some of the warriors might get the wrong idea." The way Shynose said that last sentence, Arrowheart could tell she meant that all of the warriors would be suspicious.

"So, what you're saying is that you'll let us come, but only if it's a few of us?" Sparkpaw asks.

"Quite perceptive of you little flame." Shynose sneers slightly.

Goldenclaw growls at the expression, stepping in front of Sparkpaw protectively. Arrowheart watches Simon rush to do the same, effectively blocking his apprentice from view. He wants to smack them both upside the head, as does Sparkpaw by the looks of it. She doesn't need their protection. Sparkpaw could lay Shynose out flat with all the successful training sessions we've had lately.

"I don't think that's necessary Shynose. Being condescending won't speed anything along, so let's just cut to the chase." Patchfur mewed.

"Fair enough. Dawnmist, Goldenclaw, Sparkpaw, and Simon can come with us. The rest of you...well, you must wait at the border. One of us will stay with you to make sure you don't follow." Shynose begins.

"I'd be more than happy to do just that." An incoming voice spoke up.

Arrowheart swings his head to the right just in time to see Duskstep coming out of the undergrowth. The black tom was a sleek shadow in the background of green, his gray paws silent as he moves forward. Beside him, Nightrose seems to beam happily.

Why is she so happy to see him? Is something going on between the two of them?

Before he could ask, Shynose nods in agreement. "That would be great. Thanks Duskstep. The rest of you follow me." The she-cat turned to leave. The other cats in her patrol circled around Dawnmist, Sparkpaw, Goldenclaw and Simon. He felt startled by how quickly the group was leaving himself, Patchfur and Nightrose behind.

"Good luck parabatai. May the Angel be with you." Arrowheart calls out to Goldenclaw.

The golden tabby gives him a thankful nod. "I'll try my best brother. For Violetpaw's sake."

His brother disappears into the tree line along with the other cats. Arrowheart watches them go, hopeful that Vinestar doesn't try anything while they're there in her forest of mystery, and, on another note danger.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now