Chapter 19

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Chanyeol was the best when it came to taking care of me after sex. He carried me to the bathroom when I couldn't walk because of obvious reasons and exhaustion and of course, I was too distracted.

He placed me near the sink. I was shivering because the marble on the cover was cold and I was completely naked.

"I'm cold." I whined like a baby.

"I'm going to make you feel better." He said with a smirk, coming closer to me. He wrapped my legs around his waist and poked my entrance a little.

"I'm exhausted. I'm human, remember?" I said and placed a kiss on his pouty lips.

I saw him turn on the water fastly after that and he added a bath bomb. The next moment, I was in bath, my back against Chanyeol'a chest.

I purred when I felt the warm water cover my body. "I can sleep right here and right now."

His hands were roaming on my body slowly. "Do I hurt you so bad?" He suddenly asked.

I turned to him, splashing water all over the place. "What?"

I saw him look all over my body. He pointed the hickeys on my neck and torso. I watched his concerned eyes.

"Also this..." He added, pulling my wrists together to show his fingermarks. I must admit he was a bit rough and he didn't notice it mostly and I was actually fine with it.

I remembered how Ophelia degraded me, saying I was too fragile for Chanyeol while I was thinking about saying this to him.

I furrowed and reminded myself that I wasn't too fragile.

"These are your marks on me and I love them." I got closer to him and pulled his hair slightly. "If you take them away from me, I'll take vengeance."

A smirk placed on his lips. "How are you going to do that?"

I got a bit angry. "I don't know, I'll figure it out."

"You..." He said.


He kept his eyes on my bottom lip for a while. "You can kill me whenever you want because I can't do anything without you. If you ever punish me by leaving, I don't know what I'd do..."

"Where are these thoughts coming from?" I finally asked.

He paused for a little and I gave him time to answer me.

"The thing is, you're still a human and you have a life to live. You're so young and you deserve a normal life. You deserve someone who doesn't hurt you while having sex. I'd die without you but you also deserve to go and live your life. I know that but I also feel so selfish when I think that I shouldn't let you go. Ever..."

He paused. "But you deserve to have a normal life just like everyone else."

I couldn't believe what he was saying at that moment. "Are you telling me to break up with you?"

His eyes grew bigger. "No, no. Not like that. I didn't mean that."

I waited for him to continue. "What did you mean then?"

He let out a loud breath. "You're a human and I'm a vampire. How long can this go on?"

I felt his words cut through my chest and into my heart. I felt the tears coming to my eyes right away.

"So, you had enough fun with your human?" I got up, getting rid of his arms and got out of the tub. I grabbed the towel nearest to me and wrapped it around my body.

"So, you were saying I "deserve" a normal life as an excuse to me? Be a man and tell me you're the one who has different feelings now."

He stood on my way as I was about to leave the bathroom. "Wait, wait. You got me wrong."

He was still naked and water was dripping off of his body. I couldn't believe I was checking his body for the last time.

"I just don't want to hurt you anymore, that's all." He looked sad but I couldn't tell if it was real or fake. "I'm a monster. I hurt you before and I will keep hurting you. Even when I'm showing you my love, I hurt you."

"Cut the Edward Cullent act. Did you ever hear me scream from pain? They were all because of pleasure." I got blushed with what I just yelled.

He seemed unfazed. He still looked sad and he wasn't directly looking at me.

"First you say that you'd die if I leave but then you tell me to break up with you." I looked at the ceiling not to cry. I was expecting him to say something.

But he didn't.

"I can't believe you're actually breaking up with me." I passed him and wore the first things I found around me.

"Let me save you from the trouble, Chanyeol. No need for excuses, tell me I'm weak and you lost interest. That'd hurt less." It wouldn't. Nothing could hurt me this bad. But I had to keep my head up. I could cry as much as I wanted when I went back home. If I still had one...

I heard him say Baekhyun, just that and he let me go. He could have stopped me many times but he didn't.

I grabbed Sehun's car keys and what I thought were his house keys. I wasn't sure where we exactly were but I could find my way.

I furiously wiped away the tears coming down my cheeks. I didn't know where Sehun was, he was the only one I still trusted.

I got in the car. I waited a few minutes before I started it but there was no one coming. Neither Chanyeol nor Sehun.

I started the car and drove away as I cried out, holding nothing back. I thought my heart was broken before. This was nothing like that. This was even more than a heartbreak. It was almost like a physical pain right in my chest. It felt like someone was holding my heart and squeezing it.

After sometime driving around idly and crying out loud, I figured the way back to Sehun's home.

I was glad that the keys opened the door when I got there. The place was no different, it was just messier since I was last there.

I thought about my life in the last year and tears started coming again. There was just too much pain, too much hurtful memories.

I got in Sehun's bed right away. I didn't have a phone but I was sure that Sehun would come here as soon as he figures out what happened. And I hoped he'd beat Chanyeol's ass up.

I don't know how long I cried but I woke up to a sound in the house.

"Sehun..." I called out his name but there was no answer. I called out again and there was still nothing.

I decided to get out of the bed and turn on the lights. The fact that I didn't have a phone scared me.

I grabbed the bedside lamp and walked to turn on the lights fastly.

I turned around in the small room to see better and the person I least expected was standing right there.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Let me be clear, after seeing the anger in Chanyeol's eyes, I thought that he killed Ophelia and burnt her pieces.

But she was right in front of me, standing in her knee-boots again.

"What the fuck do you want?" I scoffed. "I broke up with Chanyeol, you can go and do whatever you want." But in reality, this was enough to boil my blood, I wanted to rip her head off even when I think about it.

I saw a smirk spread on her face. "I will, I just need some time. And some humans to be out of the way."

She took a step towards me and I swung the lamp but I couldn't remember the rest.

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