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A/N: Guess I'm continuing this! I'm already writing on chp 11 XD

Alastor PoV:

"No fair! You're an overlord you shouldn't even be allowed to use those powers of yours!" Penticous said, hissing. I simply laughed. "I am an overlord, I may do as I please!"

"Just get this over with! We all have a meeting to attend to!" Vaggie said, I sighed. I once again defeated him and we went inside. "Angel, do you mind getting N/N for us?" Charlie asked.

I felt a little mad about that. "Will do~!" He walked past me with a smirk. Curse you.. We all sat down near the fire place. A few minutes later, Angel came back with N/N on his back. She looked tired.

"Did you still want to sleep?" Charlie asked her. N/N shook her head. "I'm good! It just wasn't nice to wake up to two eyes very close to mine.." I glared at Angel with a wider smile. He laughed and set her down.

"I mean you seem like a heavy sleeper, so that was the best way to wake you up!" She groaned before sitting next to Husk, who scooted away. "You guys said we have a meeting?" Charlie nodded at her question.

"We will be discussing what the basement and attic will be used for after the construction is done! We can't just leave it empty!"

"Oh! Maybe it could a place where I can hide from all of you fuckers, especially you two!" Husker pointed at me and Angel, I just smiled.

"Don't be so mean Husky~!" N/N pouted while glaring at him, he only sighed as I raised an eyebrow. Husky..? Is that his nickname or something?

I felt a little left out, anger and annoyance built up in me as Angel scooted closer to N/N. He smirked at me before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and another around her waist.

Her cheeks turned redder than my hair. "Anyways, do the rest of you have ideas?" "Oh! Oh! Maybe a secret bar for only the employees?!" Angel said, seeming excited.

Vaggie growled as Charlie held her back. "M-maybe not Angel, I'm a light drinker.." N/N sighed while shrugging his arm off her shoulders.

He only smiled while laying his head down on her lap. "Okay, whatever you say babe~!" She giggled a bit while smiling.

She then looked at Charlie. "Maybe it could be like a little club, ya know? Music, drinks, all that!" Charlie seemed to be thinking about it.

Vaggie nodded. "That sounds fun! But no drugs!" She glanced at Angel, who sighed. "Fine!" "What do you think Charlie?"

She smiled while nodding. "A club it is! But no drugs!" We all cheered. I went to N/N and stood next to her, she giggled. "But we'll have to wait till they finish the east side of the hotel!"

N/N pouted. "Why don't we do it ourselves? I m-mean, look at Angel! He can multitask! And Alastor, he is the Radio Demon!" Charlie sighed.

"It's dangerous, someone could get hurt.." N/N hugged her. "We'll be fine! Plus, we got many helping hands!" "Count me out!" Husker said. "No! You are going to come fucking help us or I'll take away your booze!"

Husker and N/N argued for what seemed like hours, till he eventually gave in. "Great! But we'll start tomorrow just in case, we can't risk anything just yet!"

We agreed and went our separate ways. I followed N/N, cause something about he interests me. But it'll be hard to talk to her since Angel followed her as well.

Your PoV:

I hummed while walking down to the basement, before huffing. If Charlie doesn't want to do it today, then I will! "N/N?" I flinched and faced Angel, smiling.

"Hi..." "Why are you down here?" "N-no reason! Haha.." I laughed nervously. "Well there has to be a reason.." I flinched as Alastor walked toward me.

"I'll only tell if you guys keep it between us!" Angel pushed Alastor out of the way, smiling and nodding. "I promise!" "So do I! So tell us dear!"

Alastors smile widened as Angels eyes seem to shine. "I want to start working on the club..." Angel laughed. "That seems like fun! And you did say I could multitask!"

"Just tell us what to do and we'll get right to it!" Alastor looked thrilled as he spoke, raising his arms in the air. I giggled.

"Angel, do you think you can sweep and dust this place?" He nodded and winked at me. "Trust me babe, I know how to clean up messes~!"

I blushed and stuttered. "A-alastor!" "Yes dear?" "Could you move all this extra junk outside? Maybe with y-your powers..?"

"Then what will you be doing N/N? Hm?" "I'm going to measure this room and see what things I could build now let's get to it!"

Triangle Love (Alastor × Reader × Angel)Where stories live. Discover now