"das wird nur ein bisschen weh tun (this is only going to hurt a little bit)" I hear from the bathroom. That was a classic Mengele line, and it was almost almost always false. I close my eyes not wanting to hear what's about to come next.

"Nein, w- AGHHH!!, hhh, hhh, AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! hhhh,AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I hear Erwin's screams as a his nose is reset. I open up my eyes glaring at the snow haired wonder.

"That Your fault" I say harshly, she winces looking down. Waiting a few more minutes the boor opens and Erwin comes out with a bandage over his nose. Weiss walks up to him, she was shaking.

"I'm really sorry, I should have checked all of the details before making assumptions..." she says. Manfred scoffs

"You really expect him to just move on after-"

"I forgive you" Erwin says, walking past her, over to his suitcase. Manfred facepalms

"Manchmal denke ich, dass dein Fuchs zu nett ist(sometimes I think Your too nice, Fox)" he says. Mengele walks up to Weiss.

"He may have forgiven you, but I do not, despite formally being his underling, I am still his brother and It is my job to care for both his, and my commanders wellbeing, what you just did got in the way of both of those things..." he says staring Weiss down. She backs up.

"Mengele stop, it was a misunderstanding, stop scaring the poor girl" Erwin says. I take off my shirt. All of the girls take a step back blushing like crazy. I sit down on the bed and begin to undo my combat boots.

"W-what Are you doing?" Blake chokes out. Manfred (who had just taken off his shirt) scoffs

"What does it look like? We're changing" he says. Now it was Weiss's turn to scoff

"I front of girls!?" She yells. I shrug.

"We change in front of Undyne all the time, she changes in front of us too" I say. The girls all freeze blushing even more

(Yeah I made undyne a part of this universe. I needed a strong female character that wasn't any of these garbage Mary Sues the internet loves so much, note that her personality is different in this though, shes human of course)

"Does your culture have any standards!?" Weiss yells, going on a rant about how indecent we were and stuff. The truth is I've known Undyne for as long as I've known Manfred. her family is a friend of Manfred's, Although I do know that she has a huge crush on Manfred...

I notice Ruby's eyes training on the dog tags on my neck.

"What are those?" She asks pointing to them.

"Dog tags, they're used for identification, they're made from titanium, meaning if we die in an explosion and our faces are unrecognizable these will help our team identify us" Mengele says. The girls seem put off about it, but I don't know why, my team have been wearing these half they're lives.

"Y/n I thought you didn't wear dog tags" Erwin says curiously. I just shrug lying down on the ground.

This is going to be one uncomfortable sleeping arrangement.

3rd person POV.
Back in the snow of the Atleatian mountains there is a small tank with machine guns instead of a main gun.

Back in the snow of the Atleatian mountains there is a small tank with machine guns instead of a main gun

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"Panzer 1" Said the side.

On the back sit two teenagers. One looked devilishly ill, and the other patted his back as the other threw up constantly.

"Es ist ok Hartman, lass alles raus (its ok Hartman, let it all out)" the boy says. The boy named Hartman let's out choked sobs.

"werde ich leben Lüg mich nicht an(will I live? don't lie to me)" Hartman says blood running down his lip. The other boy looks down.

"Ich kenne Hartman nicht, du hast einen ganzen Atemzug Chlorgas genommen (I don't know Hartman, you took an entire breath of chlorine gas)" he says sadly. The boy starts to cry more.

"Oh mein Gott, es tut mir leid kommandant!(oh my god, I'm sorry commander!)" he says crying. The boy narrows his eyes sadly.

"hör auf, dich bei Hartman zu entschuldigen, du hast deinen Job gemacht, du hast deine Pflicht getan. (stop apologizing Hartman, you did your job, you did your duty)" the boy says.

"Ich schließe nur meine Augen für ... einen zweiten Herrn (I'm just going to close my eyes for... a second sir, just to rest a bit...)" he says. The commanders face falls... he knew what was going to happen.

"Natürlich, Hartman, ich wecke dich auf, als du aufbrichst (of course Hartman, I'll wake you when we're heading out)" he says calmly, Hartman sighs,

"danke mein herr ... danke ... (thank you sir... thank you...)" he says closing his eyes. The boy listens for Hartman's breathing...


Nothing. The boy starts to shake, as he collapses.

He hugs the corpse of his still-warm friend. Taking a deep exhale, he grabs the dog tags around his neck pulling them off.


With this the panzer 1 rolls off leaving no trace of its presence... save for one cross with a name... Hartman.


Y/n wakes with a start, but soon realizes that it's still the middle of the night...

He clutches the dog tags around his neck. Pulling them into view,

"Daniel Hartman

Alter(age): 14"

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