CH.10 Suspicion

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Antonio POV
The school week went as usual, except for one thing, D and I have been talking every night for the past week. Not on that freaky shit ya'll witnessed earlier, I mean talking as in we are really getting to know one another. I'll be honest never knew how much we had in common, I found that he loves sports, gaming and other things that would usually take us from the conversation, only to Circle it back around to where we started. At school i find myself thinking about him in class, and during my practice, which i probably need to stop because my homeboy Jemele has started to become suspicious of my new attitude. " yo Ant what's going on with you man?" Jemele asked, "what are you talking about bruh?" I asked as I passed the ball to him, He gives me a look and makes it quiet clear that he knows something is up with me, he's been able to sense that every since we we're little. "Ant you and me been friends since elementary, something has changed in you, every practice you been making the shots and still be on you're shit ....." Jemele said as he dribbled the ball. I interrupt him and said" well whats the problem if I'm on my shit then you shouldn't be worried right ? " i said to him stealing the ball and make a three pointer. "Ant come on its not just practice, its also outside of school and shit, you barely hangout with me or the boys anymore, when we call you up it always busy or short conversations what thoty got you so hooked my nigga cause if she got pussy that good I need to know if it runs in the family or if its a club."Jemele and i both laugh this nigga and his mind always be on staying on pussy. I shake my head and look at him we go sit on the bleachers " look Jemele there is no need for you to be concerned i am just trying to get...." Jemele interrupt " in them guts ." Making me laugh with him again. "I'm going to get into them irregardless, but I'm good man don't worry." I gave him a reassuring look and he accepted it. I took a look at my phone and realized it was 5 and i only had 3 hours to get what i was planning for me and D dates." I'll holla at you later Melly." As i dapped him up i walked out to my car and rushed out of the parking lot. When i got home i noticed my mom was at home and that there were two other cars in the driveway which was odd but i didn't really pay too much mind to it. I walked in to seeing my mom and two gentlemen in the living room talking. I walk into the doorway and everyone looks up at me with a smile. I wonder what the hell they're all smiling about cause i don't have the slightest clue.
End of chapter 10

Life according to DelshawnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ