Ch.3 Interrupted

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DeShawn POV

We stood there looking at each other Antonio was still looking at me with a mean mug face wiping his lip."You kissed me." Antonio said,"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do you  just wouldn't stop hitting me and I," suddenly I felt dizzy what the hell I was thinking to myself I'm about faint I looked back at Antonio he stood up and walked towards "Yo are you ok." He said I tried to answer him but before I  could everything gose dark. I wake up on the couch in the den I look around and see that I was in my house, I guess it was nightmare,that was until I felt my cheek it was still soar,clearly it wasn't, the activation of the ice maker in my kitchen made me jump a little bit, " whose in there" I yelled after saying that foot steps started to approach towards the den, " finally your up If you would've stay out any longer I was going to call 911." Antonio said, he passes me a towel of ice wrapped up,I put it on my soar cheek, and Antonio proceeds to sit beside me, we sat in silence for what seemed like an hour it was finally broken when Antonio asked the burning question that was on his mind,shit it was the elephant and the tension cramped up in this one room. Antonio turns to me and saids " long have been gay ?" I looked off to the distance not wanting to make eye contact with him,My facial expression had to have given me away because my response was less convincing than I usually give " I don't know what you're talking about Antonio I was just disoriented probably from you hitting me repeatedly." I said, Antonio looked as if though he had a guilty expression on his face. "I'm sorry about that Delshawn when I get angry it's kind of hard for me to stop and think about my actions." Antonio said as he looks down, " wait a minute you know my name, I'm not titty bum bum,fat ass or big booty shawny.....All this time you been nothing but an asshole to me and...." As I was working my way up to releasing the anger that had been pent up inside me for so long I suddenly feel two hands grasping my face and our lips were once again connected, Antonio leaned forward and I gratefully leaned back onto the couch,I wrapped one arm around his neck and used my free hand to go for the prize, I was able to feel the lining of his shift and oh my God this boy is blessed, when our lips disconnected my moan slipped out," Damn D you sure do know how to use them juicy lips." Antonio said. I pull him back down and begin to kiss on his neck as he bury his face into my neck and does the same, to say we're in absolute escasty would be an understatement,as I was caught up in this moment of pleasure with a guy who I couldn't stand but at the same time lusted after since 7th grade,I looked  at the time 4:30pm hmm what exactly happens around that time. I know something important but I let the thoughts go and said fuck it and resumed me and Antonio make out session, suddenly I  hear the door knob jingling and the front door security announcing (front door open) when "Shawn you home,"oh shit my grandma's home. End of chapter 3

Life according to Delshawnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن