some little prejudice and a whole lot of pride

Start from the beginning

As Hermione left, her absence was filled by Draco. Hermione was probably the most understanding of her relationship with the Slytherin boy, but even she couldn't pretend to be nice to him. Harry and Ron were very disapproving but Hermione was able to lay them off a bit.

"Granger can't really stand me, can she?"

"She punched you last year, I think you have that doubt answered." She chuckled at the memory while Draco grimace at it, "what was it?"

"Oh, nothing—just letting you know I brought all of your stuff from the Manor and that my parents told me to say hi to you for them—they were very against you staying at the Weasel's 'house' but couldn't force you to move after what happened."

The girl frowned at him, "thank you... Do you mind not calling them names? They're actually really nice."

Draco never would have even put that in consideration, but he made an exception for the girl and nodded, "sure... I'll see you tomorrow!"

Wendy watched him walking away and smiled at his promise. She really hoped he changed so he wouldn't have to go through what he was destined for. She walked back to the Common Room where she was greeted by Ron and Harry on the sofa waiting for her and a relaxed Hermione with a book in her hands, probably advance studying.

"You were with Malfoy again?" Harry asked spitting the name like it were vegetables.

"We can't believe you! How can you be friends with him? You have no idea of what he's done the years before you came," Ron said.

Wendy shot a look at Hermione, knowing fully it was her who told them, "don't look at me, I'm not a snitch."

Wendy looked at the only two people left in the room, the twins, "can't believe that out of everyone you two snitched on me."

"It's for your own good!" George protested.

"You have no idea what Malfoy's intentions are," Fred backed him up.

"And you do?"

George shot Fred a look, who in turn just stood up from his chair and with hands in his pockets left to the dormitory. George sighed and followed his twin, part of him not believing he'd leave a conversation without having the last word.

"He's better than you think, just wait for it," George heard Wendy say before he'd close the door behind him.

"You are starting to be obvious," He said.

"I don't know what you mean," Fred said jumping on his bed and laying down.

"You do know."

Fred looked at the brother in the eyes, and spoke, "No, I really don't."

George studied his face, his brother seemed to be either seriously unaware or he seriously didn't want to talk about it, but serious nonetheless. Making it a bigger situation than it seemed to be.

The only times when Fred was serious was when his family was in danger or about their joke shop plan, and with both cases he was still able to crack a joke out to lighten the situation. George was yet to see Fred in love.

Ron and Harry entered the dormitory too and to find Fred and George on their beds.

"what were you talking about?" Ron asked.

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