Part 39 - Reception & Revelations

Start from the beginning

"Oh right" said Millie quietly, with an already fragile state of mind she really didn't want to hear this.

"Yeah I honestly thought he was the one, I always thought we'd get married" continued Lilia.
What the fuck!? thought Millie. Where has all this come from?! It couldn't be true. Millie felt sick, a heaviness fell over her, a feeling she was becoming far too accustomed to since she met Dex.

"When was this?" Asked Millie, not wanting to be sucked in to Lilia's games, she didn't want to give what she was saying any attention but the questions were burning away at her soul already. She needed to know everything so that she was fully armed and prepared for the showdown with Dex that she knew was building.

"Like last summertime, I haven't been with him since May" replied Lilia. Millie could feel her insides begin to bubble. April was the first time she saw Dex live. April! How could he have been stood on that stage that night whilst dating Lucie and seeing Lilia at the same time, in what according to Lilia was a very serious relationship leading towards marriage!! The Dex that Millie knew was slipping away. He was obviously a serial cheater, a liar, he'd kept more secrets from her than she'd ever imagined. He'd been seeing Lucie, Lilia and Millie at the same time. There was hardly any doubt in her mind now that the rumours about Isy Brennan were true! It all was. She knew there was rarely smoke without fire.

"I need a drink" said Millie, making an excuse to leave, she really did need a drink! A large, double! Maybe 3 of them!

She walked away, her heart bruised and aching, she felt sick, annoyed, her fists clenched tightly by her sides in frustration. She saw Ricco near the bar and ran towards him, hitting into him with such force he was unsteady on his feet, spilling a drop of his drink down her back as he lifted it above her head. Her head and arms buried into his chest, she breathed in and out heavily, trying really hard not to cry, she attempted to swallow the lump in her throat back down.

Ricco looked at Luca next to him, confused, not knowing what was the matter with her.

"Err.. Hi doll" said Ricco, Millie was silent.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked, getting a little bit concerned that something was really wrong. He put his drink down on the bar and gently pulled her chin out from his chest so he could see her face. Her eyes were red and filled with water, pooling in the corner ready to release a tear at any moment.

"What's the matter Mils" asked Ricco, growing more concerned.

"I can't talk about it now" she said, her voice cracking with emotion. Ricco screwed up his eyebrows in confusion.

Dex and Jesse were still on stage about to play the song for Aria and Craig's first dance, it couldn't be either of them that had upset her thought Ricco, they'd been on stage for at least 40 minutes.

The band began to play. Millie wiped her eyes and turned around to see them. Leaning back against Ricco's body he wrapped his arms loosely around her neck. He knew he'd get it out of her later.

Watching Dex on stage Millie didn't feel the that's my boyfriend pride she usually felt, instead she felt stupid, stupid that Lilia was sitting there watching Dex, knowing intimate things about him, having most likely kissed his lips, seen him naked, had him inside of her. Known the little intimate details that Millie thought were special, just between them. All those thousands of girls that lusted after him at his shows could say and do anything and it didn't bother Millie because only she got to see that side of him, to see him naked, to touch his body, to have him touch hers, to sleep with him, it was the intimacy she shared with him that set her apart from the fans. It was him, just for her. No one else in Millie's life truly knew what it was like to be with him.

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