Hopefully this works.

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Hey, everyone, next post is Hopefully soon! I love you all so much! Thank you. I hope you're enjoying this better than the other one. I am i enjoy writing this! This is unedited sorry! Its 12:55 in the morning and I can't. Srsly.

Emma was trying to light a fire, while Killian was looking out their window spectating. It was currently her fifth month she had four to go.

"Now you're stalking my sister?" Jazz asked with arms crossed smirking.

"Bloody hell! Just making sure she's okay."Killian says lying, well it was a white lie.

"Really?" Jazz says narrowing her eyes, like Emma I mean there twins soo...

"Bloody hell your just like your sister," Killian said breathing out.

"I get that." She said smirking, " Look your brother was the same way... he was... is crazy." Jazz says laughing, Killian chuckled. "Still is.." she laughed

"Believe me I know..."

"Okay you wanna go against me cause I sit in bed with him at night."

"Aye! Okay! Back to what you were saying."

"But I'm fine right?? The thing about my sister is... she's a little stubborn." Jazz says smirking

"That's a bit of an understatement." Killian says "I'll go...." he starts as Regina interrupts him.

"HOOK YOUR WIFE'S CRAZY!!!" Regina yelled loud enough for the whole kingdom to hear

"Bloody hell swan. What'd you do now..." Killian whispered sighing.


Killian ran outside with Jazz to see Emma Arguing with Regina.

"Yeah well blame Killian for knocking me up!!!" Emma yelled waving her hands around.

"Love?" Killian asked smirking eyeing her up and down. Emma rolled her eyes.

"GAG!!!" Regina yelled still annoyed.

"REGINA GIVE A PREGNANT WOMEN A BREAK!!" Emma yells frustrated at this point, she placed her hands on her stomach.

"Emma come here, my love" Killian says pulling her close and kissing her head he picked her up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Regina asked confused.

"Taking my wife inside for a break." Killian said, and walked away.


"WHERES EMMA?!" Regina starts saying before Killian covers her mouth.

"She's awake..." Emma says groaning, "Thanks, Regina." Emma says sarcastically, Killian walked over and caressed her face. He smiled, running his Hook over her bump.

"How are you?" Killian Asked

"Sore... The Baby is kicking at my ribs!"Emma complains biting her lower lip. "and it's all your fault." Emma says Pouting

"Sorry?" Killian says in a questionable way that was adorable.

"STOP BEING ADORABLE I CAN'T BE MAD AT YOU!" Emma screams clearly pissed off that she can't be mad.

"You wanna be mad?"

"No... but..." Emma said shyly as she blushed.

"Can we get back to work?" Regina asked

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