Chapter 23

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Ella's face was emotionless as she was dragged to the court room. She couldn't believe that five day passed yet it felt like years. She saw her family sitting down, Izuku and his mom, The Bakugo's, Todoroki and Endeavour and even Almight. She couldn't make eye contact with anyone.

She was too scared her emotions would spill all over the place. She felt like a an overfilled bottle waiting to burst but she kept the lid on tightly. Because if it burst open then it would be messy, miserably messy.

The judge read out the reason why she was here under what claim.

The one standing in for the village was an old man who looked shaken. His eyes stared at the Hero's before him. Celebrities... and his fear doubled.

Ella recognised him but not entirely. It was after all a long time ago.

The prosecutor gave a list of all the reason why I should be contained and soon the old man was called to give a testimony as a witness.

He was shaking and as an elderly man this was concerning to those watching.

"Mr Kito is it true that Miss Kagarashi was conspiring with the Villain League?", the prosecutor asked.

The old man took a deep breath and nodded.


"How did you come to understand this?"

"I saw her stopping time and letting all the villains in!" he said shakily while unnecessarily shouting.

Ella blinked in surprise and double took. Wait? Forget the fact I didn't do that how would he know I stopped time? Is he an exception?!

The prosecutor also looked a bit troubled.

"Could you elaborate?".

"Yeah she stopped time while I was staring at her and she bought them all in!" he said more confidently this time.

My lawyer motioned to take over.

"Mr Kito you as you say witnessed miss Kagarashi stop time and bring in all the villains? Just where were you when all that was happening?" The obviously sceptic voice of my lawyer rounded about the answer instead of attacking the centre peeling the skin before eating the orange.


"Miss Kagarashi stand up" I stood up.

"Stand in front of Mr Kito, stop time and move to two steps to the right", it was an imperative demand and one that could prove my innocence. However my lawyer whispered to me to first stand in-front of Mr Kito and then move to the spot.

And so I did it.

"Now mr Kito explain what you just saw"

There was a long silence and then he spoke.

"S-she moves two spots to the right".

"What you say here must be true otherwise you could be convicted for lying during a court case", the lawyer was definitely intimidating.

The old man was silent and suddenly he broke down.

"T-they made us do it! They made us lie! We didn't want to do this!!", he suddenly jerked up and started screaming.

"Who?" My lawyer was unperturbed from the screaming and calmly continued.

"The v-v-villain league..." he stammered out and then he gasped. "N-no! I shouldn't have said that shit! They're going to kill everyone at the village! Ahhhh", it almost seemed like any sanity his mind desperately held onto was lost.

The case was closed.

Heroes later searched the village making sure to check every inch of the place in search for villains but no one was harmed and everyone was okay.


I sat outside the gym near my old apartment. Shockingly waiting for Bakugo. He asked to meet me here and after what once happened here I felt reluctant but shrugged it off.

He was late. I couldn't help but contemplate going into the gym for one off a session. Somebody stopped in front of me and I turned my head in annoyance.

"Your late", I glared at the blonde who stared at me for a while and then cursed whilst covering his face.

"Ella" he whispered.

I shivered even though the sun beat on us. I don't think he's ever said my name and it was my full first name at that.

"Kachan? Why are you acting so"- I started and suddenly I was embraced by the usually temperamental boy. He embrace was tight almost like he knew I would run away if he held lightly.

My face burned slightly. Did he worry about me while I was gone? I felt a weird warmth wrap around my heart at the thought of it.

Slowly my hands wrapped around him gently and I felt him flinch at the movement. He pulled back in surprise and then an unrecognisable emotion overtook his and suddenly I couldn't breath. Hot breath fanned my lips and before they could be touched I pushed Bakugo away in shock.

What the hell!?

I was too slow to recover and before I knew it I was pulled in quickly and my lips were claimed. It lasted for a long excruciating second. I pushed back harder and finally I was let go.

"Have you never heard of consent!" Warm tears trickled down my face and his eyes followed them. He didn't expect their sudden appearance and neither did I.


A/N: This chapter was about rushed unfortunately so if there's any typos I apologise. I also want to get back on track with the mains storyline because let's not just throw that out the window.

I know I previously wanted to have more Todoroki time but HE IS SUCH A HARD CHARACTER TO WORK WITH! Bakugo has a lot of personality but Todoroki is the quiet cool guy so I need to work around that. And finally Midoriya is ... well... our cinnamon bun ... so like should I just make him a yandere because his actually character ain't really assertive or like ... let's not do that? Idk.

Thanks for the support!

The Childhood Friend (Bakugo x oc x todoroki x Midoriya )Where stories live. Discover now