Chapter 6

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After the incident with Bakugo I was abit scarred. His family had been over for dinner and thankfully he left straight after the confrontation so i didn't have to deal with awkward or forced conversations.

I didn't meet him for days after that. Weeks went by and then months followed with me training with Almight and Izuku and finally the big day came along.

The practical exam. It was today.

I inhaled shakily, hands barely grasping my laces together as i sat infront of my front door staring at it with my heart in my throat. Izuku and I decided to head separately because him and Almight were having a "talk".

"Todays the day", a voice interrupted my thoughts and I couldn't help but jump in surprise. My mother who spoke, stood behind me. I didn't think she'd be up so early. It was the holiday and the family liked to sleep in.

I turned, nodding. Our relationship still strained as always but i felt the rush of hope when i looked at her. The one mixed with utter nervousness.

"Do your best-". She started but I cut her off.

"I'll change it! ", i shouted and flushed when she stared at me suprised by my outburst, a hint of confusion on her face,"I'll change their perspective ... I'll do my best... mum", i added the end quietly because it was the first time id properly talked to her in weeks.

I didn't see her face as i stood abruptly, facing the door but i heared her "hmm" and took it as encouragement because today i was going to do it.

I will change the worlds perception of us.


I stared at the entrance in wonder, arriving before Izuku. I don't think I could handle his anxiety along with mine.

I sighed. Sure I trained these last few months and weeks but could I really pass the exam. What if they laugh and make a joke out of me?

I already figured that I'd be outcasted from the students even if I got in so I didn't bother making friends waiting about and how many of them were even going to pass. I didn't come here blind.

My phoned vibrated cutting me off from my cynical thinking. It was Izuku; he arrived. I turned just seeing him enter my field
of vision.

I grinned looking at his flustered and shaking body. He looked so nervous and cute but just before I could call him someone clouded my view.

I tried to move out of the way but they just blocked me and then I smelled that familiar smoky smell.

"Kachan?", I said.

I stood correct as I stared at his usual angry red eyes. He grunted and moved out of the way.

"I didn't think you'd show up", was all he said as he left and I stared bewildered at his back. I shook my head turning back to Izuku as I saw a girl approach him.

Oh wow, he makes friends quick. I couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed however the girl left as i approached. I stared in wonder at her and when she glanced at me I turned away.

"Izuku", I said approaching his flustered self.

"Ella", he breathed out , " I'm so glad to see you", he looked like he was gonna pass.

"Hey!", I grabbed his shoulder. A worried look surfaced my face. "Are you ok?".

"Yeah", he still looked dazed and I couldn't help but notice his muttering. Oh he's really stressed.

The students were beginning to gather. It was time. I inhaled.

"Izuku lets do our best", I smiled hoping it was encouraging. He blushed but smiled back, "Let's show em".

We both walked forward to a guy with spiky blond hair and had most of his face covered. Izuku being Izuku started muttering about who he was even though he introduced himself.

I ignored my friend and listened to his introduction and eventually Izuku joined in too.

He explained the rules which were simple enough. So we kill robots to gather points. Alright.

The entrance was right in front of us and at Mics "Go", everyone charged.

Although not for long. Mics hand stayed in the air and the participants feet didn't move a millimetre. Their breathing halted.

I sighed naturally relaxing when I used my quirk. There was no more uncomfortable clenching after I finally managed to understand it.

I rummaged through my backpack. What can take down robots. Do they have off buttons? I could always open them up and discard their pieces. That would take so long though.

Ok whatever I'll make do. I walked in the practical exam time was still frozen. I spotted a robot chilling. It's neck bend uncomfortably as it's beady eyes narrowed at the participants.

It looked expensive. The amount of money used for this exam must be beyond any alignment of zeros I've ever come across.

I looked around it's body looking for that hint of a switch.

"There has to be something", i groaned out.

And then I spotted it, on its lower back was a switch. I smiled maybe this won't be so bad.



Sorry for the longest wait of the century guys. If anybody was waiting that it.

I'm glad this story has kind of caught up to me as I went on a wonder what will happen if I drop it for a bit cycle.

Let me know what you guys think🤗

The Childhood Friend (Bakugo x oc x todoroki x Midoriya )Where stories live. Discover now