Chapter 2: The chase

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Tords POV

I've been out here less than an hour and I have already gotten two rabbits. I hold both of them in one hand by their feet. Its like they thought they safe here....they're wrong.

I walk more towards the middle of the forest, hoping to find something better than rabbits. When I get there, what I see makes me smirk. Its a large Deer den. I look around but make sure not to touch anything and leave a sent. I set up another trap inside the den and cover It with some leaves.

I have already set up multiple traps around this forest. Reason? Because I heard that a very rare deer lives in this forest. But I've also heard that he's very evasive.

After setting up the trap I walk out to the edge of the forest. Close enough to hear the bells if anything gets caught. Or if anything were to yelp in pain. I sit down and read some hentai.

Toms POV

After the loud sound passed I quickly put the Ginger and Chamomile in my leather side bag with my other herbs. I stood up begain to walk to get the Potatos, carrots, and apples.

_________ timeskip  _________

After collecting all of a the items I walked back to my den. It I rubbed my nose and continued what I was doing.

_____Another timeskip______

I made a nice meal for myself that consisted of, herbs, carrots and a potato. I got up from my sitting position and began walking to the pond. As I walk my deer hooves make almost no noise, due to the green mossy grass. I soon reach the pond. I breath in and close my eyes, taking in the area with my other senses. I open my eyes and lay down. I pull out my book from my bag then begin to get to the page I was last on. I have read the same book for years, but I still find it a great book. Its called 'Harry Potter'.


I read for awhile and get through a few chapters of the book. I can tell its almost sunset so I stand up and put my book away.

I read longer than expected ...... again.

I want to go swim for a little before dark. So I think of what body of water to go to, until I looked in front of me at the pond. I mentally facepalmed myself then walked over to the glistening water. I took off my bag and stood at the edge then cautiously stepped in. I wasn't too bad. I went in until the water reached my human skin. I looked through the clear water and saw little fishies swimming around my thin deer legs. I moved and they swam away. I dident go fully under water since I dident want my hair wet at night. I swam in the water smoothly and calm.

The sunset was now in motion, telling me its time to home. I got out of the water and the crisp air hit me. I shivered a little but I shook off almost all the water. I reached down and grabbed my bag and swing it over my shoulder. I begin to walk back to my den.

Tords POV

I VERY bored, all ive caught today were two rabbits and I've been sitting here for hours. I stand and up and stretch then grab my rifle. I start walking back to my cabin when I hear a blood curdling scream. I whipped my head around.

It came from that den..

I started to run over to the screams as I load my gun. I reach the den and see the end of a small looking for coming out of the dens entrance where I left the trap. I smirk and grab one of 'her' legs, pulling her out of the den. My eyes widen... This is no ordinary deer... Nor is it a female..

.....Its a deer boy...

Toms POV

When I reached my den I yawned and stretched out my legs and arms. I through my bag in my den the started to get in then...


I shrieked in pain as a bear trap snapped over my front leg. I thrashed around and tryed to pull it off with my human hands but....nothing worked. I started to hyperventilate and panic, when I felt something or someone pull my body out of the den. Still attached to the trap it hurt.

I saw a man. He had reddish grey eyes, and his hair was styled to look like horns. He was absolutely terrifying.

I dident know what to do but one word kept repeating in my mind..


I made one last attempt to free myself. I grabbed onto both sides of the trap but finally.... It pried open. Once again the man pulled me out, but this time when he did I stood up as quickly as possible and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I dident look behind me, but I could tell he was chasing after me. I was panicking. I looked everywhere looking for an exit route when... I tripped. I landed hard. I was about to get up when I heard the most chilling voice say..

"Well, well what do we have here~?"

***** 5 reads??!!! Why are you guys reading this?!? Thank you though!!

                          ~ love Kip

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