Comincia dall'inizio

Abhi: I have no idea how to approach papa.

Purab: Just go and say to him that you love her?

Abhi: That's it, he would bury me alive.

Purab: Point.

The trio was engrossed in their thoughts. Aaliya that time entered into the room.

Aaliya: If you people don't mind, can I give you all an idea.

Purab: Aaliya, darling.

Purab called, whereas Abhi gave a deadly glare to him.

Abhi: I'm her brother here only.

Purab: So what?

Abhi took a pillow and throws it on Purab.

Raj: Guys stop all these silly fights. Let's think about what to do. Aaliya, say me the idea.

Aaliya: We can't stop the marriage as of now. Why don't we postpone it so that within the time we could convince papa?

The trio's face became brighter hearing Aaliya's idea.

Abhi: Superb idea Aaliya. It would be best if we postpone the marriage. Then we can think about how to convince papa.

Purab: Yes, Aaliya, darling, I love you.

Purab went to Aaliya and kissed her cheeks soundly, making her eyes to pop out from her socket. Raj hits his head, whereas Abhi fumes in anger. Abhi went to Purab and starts to hit him, whereas Raj went to stop him. The trio got involved in the fight, whereas Aaliya stood there with a confused face.

At police station

Prem was discussing the case with his subordinates.

Prem: Do you people have doubts about anyone?

Subordinate: Yes, sir.

Prem: Whom?

Subordinate: A Few days before, Raghuveer sir was handling Dharmesh's case.

Prem: You mean, Dharmesh Mehta.

Subordinate: Yes, sir, we have doubt on him only.

Prem: Why?

Subordinate: Raghuveer sir caught Dharmesh's son in a drug case, and he encountered him. Dharmesh has vengeance on Raghuveer sir for that. I think he would be the one who would have killed him.

Prem: Give me the details and the history of Dharmesh.

The subordinate nodded and gave him the files.

At Night

Prem entered into the house. Abhi, Raj, and Aaliya were sitting in the living room, whereas Pragya was in Aaliya's room.

Prem shouting: Sarla.

Sarla came out from the kitchen, hearing his voice.

Sarla: Yes Prem Ji.

Prem: Did everyone ate?

Sarla: Abhi, Raj and Aaliya ate their dinner.

Prem: What about Pragya and Ayesha?

Sarla saw Prem with a suspicious look.

Sarla: Ayesha ate out, whereas Pragya didn't eat.

Prem sternly: What's the time?

Sarla: 9

Prem: How could you be this irresponsible? She is our guest. How could you leave her like this? Bring her down.

Prem shouts at Sarla angrily. Abhi, who saw all these, got suspicious about Prem's behavior. Before Sarla could go, Abhi stopped her and went to bring Pragya.

He entered the room and heard the sobbing sound of Pragya.

Abhi: Fuggy

Pragya, hearing Abhi's voice immediately wiped her tears. Abhi came towards her and made her look at him.

Abhi: Don't try to hide your tears from me.

Abhi said, wiping her face, whereas she saw him with tears.

Abhi: What happened Fuggy?

Pragya sobbing: I... I rem...remem...remember ma... ma's mem... memory.

Pragya said crying, whereas Abhi hugged her tightly, leaving her to cry.

Abhi: We will always be there for you. Now, come and eat.

Abhi said and took her down. Prem, who saw Pragya smiled at her.

Prem: Come beta, come and eat.

Pragya nodded and went to the dining table. Sarla served her and caressed her hair.

Prem: Pragya beta.

Pragya: Gi uncle.

Prem: You can be here itself.

Everyone gets confused hearing him.

Pragya: Uncle

Prem: You are also like my Aaliya only. I would itself take your responsibility and do everything as a father. So, you can be here itself.

Pragya had tears hearing him, whereas Abhi gave a confused smile. Raj came towards Abhi's ear.

Raj whispered: Something is wrong.

Abhi: Something not, everything is wrong.

Raj nodded.

Prem: And I also decided to make Pragya's marriage.

Abhi, who was drinking water, split it and started to cough.

Prem: Drink the water properly, idiot.

Abhi: How rude?

Abhi said with a pout.

Pragya: It...It's o...Ok un...uncle.

Prem: No, whatever I decided is decided only. I'm taking all of your responsibility.

Prem said and went from there, pushing everyone into a shock.

Abhi's pov: So, my doubt is cleared now. Now it is going to be a little easy to convince papa for me and Fuggy's marriage.

To be continued...

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