Calling from the future

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*Ginnys pov 2018*

"We're home!"
I got home and it was oddly quiet for a house full of Granger-Weasley-Potters.
"Mi?" I asked turning to her
"Yeah hun" She replied
"Where are the kids?"
All the parents started to franticly search the house until Harry found something
"Yeah Harry?" Everyone asked him
"I found a broken time turner on the ground"
"Shit" Was my only response

*Harper 1995*

We all finished dinner after the horrible reliving of the battle and were ready to head off to bed.
"Alright then off to bed" Molly said to us.
"Carla, Rose, Lily and Tracy, you can bunk with Hermione and Ginny. Louis, Albus and Scorpius can share with Ron and Harry. Fred, James and Hugo can be with Fred and George. Roxy, Rachel Vicotrie, Max and Dom can take one of the spare rooms and I suppose since you already have a child together, Harper and Teddy,  you and Avery can have the other spare."
Teddy went off to bed with me following with Ave and we quickly settled into bed for sleep.
We were sleeping peacefully when Big burst in and screamed
In our faces.
Both me and Teddy groaned as we stretched and got up for breakfast.
We all sat down at the table and everyone was having light conversation. I was feeding Avery in her high chair when a loud screech called out the Potter's names.
"LILY! JAMES! ALBUS!" It yelled
"What in Merlins name is that!" Tracy yelled at Lily who was pulling sometging out of her pocket.
"Its my two way mirror!" She exclaimed.
"DADDY! PAPA!" She screamed at the mirror.
"Hey sweetie!" Uncle Charlie said to her
"Hi hun." Said Uncle Harry
"Can you pass the mirror to Harp please?" Charlie asked her
"Yup! Here you go." She said passing me the mirror.
"Hi Uncle Charlie, Hi Uncle Harry" I greeted them
"Harper where are you! Everyone is worried sick and your Ma is in tears!" Harry asked me
"Hah about that, you may want to speak with your eldest soon. He may or may not have gotten us sent back in time over 20 years." I said with a laugh.
"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR 3 MONTHS THE SECOND YOU GET HOME UNDERSTAND ME!" Harry bellowed. James flinched and tried to run but Teddy grabbed him so he couldn't.
"Harp what year are you in and please tell me your safe." Charlie asked me
"1995, yes we are safe, and we are at Grimmauld Place with the Order."
"James! You sent yourselves back in time to the middle of a war! Not to mention the damage you could cause! And you are missing out on all of your schooling and the Hogwarts Battle memorial!"
Harry can be pre-tty scary when hes mad, thank Merlin I'm not James!
"Sorry Dad" James meekly replied
"Do not sorry Dad, me young man! You are in so much trouble when you get back!"
Avery started to cry from all the yelling so I had to pull her out of her seat.
"Harry did you HAVE to make the baby cry?" I ask him very annoyed
"Oh sorry Harper"
I just rolled my eyes and he continued scolding James but a little quieter.
Just then a new face appeared on the mirror.
"Did you get a hold of them?"
Well I'm screwed I thought to myself as Ma snatched the mirror from her older brother.
"Just go ahead and take it why don't you" He complained
"Oh shut up dragon boy"
She snapped at him
"Rude" he muttered in defeat
Ma only realised I was holding the mirror and realised why she was talking to Charlie in the first place. She looked at me and it was clear she had been crying but now she just looked furious.
"Shit" Was, no surprise there, all I said
"LANGUAGE" someone screened.
"Was that Mum? " I asked holding back a laugh
"Who else would it be" Ma replied also trying not to laugh.
"anyway. HARPER MALORIE GRANGER-WEASLEY YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG LADY! " She screamed at me making Avery cry again
"Maaaaaaaa" I said gesturing to my crying baby
"Oh shit sorry" She said
"Here I'll take her" Teddy offered
"Thanks" I said passing Avery to him
"Harper where the hell are you! " Ma asked me still furious
I explained the situation again
"YOU IDIOT!" She yelled her anger now directed to James instead of me.
"Ginny stop yelling at my son" Uncle Charlie demanded although you could tell he didn't actually care
"Well your clearly not doing it!" She answered him angrily
They bickered for a while before they just got over themselves and both yelled at James.
"Bye Harry"
"Bye Charlie"
"Bye Ginny"
"Bye Dad"
"By Papa"
"Bye Uncle Harry"
"Bye Uncle Charlie"
"Bye Ma"
"Bye Aunt Ginny"
All of us choursed respectively as Lily hung up the mirror which she had snatched back at some point during the bickering.
"Well that was eventful" I stated after it had been hung up.
"Yup" Everyone said at once

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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