Introductions are in order Pt 2

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*Harper pov*

"Ugh, Hi I'm Dom. I'm 16, I'm a Ravenclaw, I'm Vic's sister"
"Full name please" Vic said
"Bloddy hell why?"
"Because everyone else did"
"Fine Dominique Gabrielle Weasley. Happy now?"
"Yes I am, Lou your turn"
"Hi I'm Loius Ryan" He began
"I'm 14, Ravenclaw and Vic and Dom's brother.
"Who now?" I asked them
"Me I guess"
Roxy stepped foward and began
"Hi I'm Roxanne Delilah Weasley. I'm a Gryffindor, 14 and my parents are George Weasley and Angelina Johnson."
"DUDE!" Fred yelled at George
"Sorry!" He replied
Fred just glared at him, if only he knew why he wasn't with Angelina.
"Fred." Roxy said shoving him
He stepped foward and introduced himself
"Hello. I am Fredrick Lee Weasley. I am a Gryffindor. I am 14 and I am Roxy's OLDER twin brother."
"By 3 minutes" She mumbled at him.
"Dude, you named your kid after me?" Fred asked George
"Well duh" He replied
God James is annoying
"I am the one. the only. James Sirius Potter!"
"Aw thanks Harry" Sirius said to him
"Anytime"He replied very shocked about having a son
"I am 14 and a Gryffindor obviously. My parents are, wait you should guess. And a clue the other parent is not in this room but is related to the majority of you"
"Hmmm" Fred wondered
"Well the majority of us are Weasleys meaning that they must me related to the Weasleys" Mum said matter of factly.
Grandma's face lit up knowing she even more grandchildren.
"Wait. Harry's gay!" Fred said bursting out laughing with George
"Well not necessarily" Harry defended.
"Well actually yes, or at least bi sexual, the only female Weasley is taken unless she cheated on me which I'm sure she did not and also the mystery person is not in this room, Ginny is." Mum said matter of factly once again.
"So its either" Fred began
"Percy" George said
"Or Charlie" Fred finished
"Well it can't be Percy his son would never be that cool." George added
"That means its" Fred started
"CHARLIE!" They said laughing again
"CORRECT!" James yelled
"Technically it's aunt Ginny though" Lily said confusing everyone.
"Wait what?" Ma asked
"You were the surrogate for Uncle Charlie and Harrys kids" I explain to her
"Oh that makes sense" She said
"Kids?" Harry asked sounding terrified
"Yeah you have two others"
"Can I go next!" Lily asked
"Yeah go ahead" I said to her
"Hi I'm Lily Dora Potter, I'm 11 and I'm a Slytherin!"
"YOUR DAUGHTERS A SLYTHERIN!" Sirius yelled at Harry
"Wewl obviowsly!" Young me said.
I just stared at myself shocked. It was the first time I had spoken and I was so proud of my sarcastic answer.
"Hah adorable." I said
"Oh yeah and I'm Jamies baby sister" Lily finished
"Don't call me Jamie!" He yelled at her. She just poked her tounge out at him.
"Al your next" she said
He didn't step foward but he introduced himself shyly.
"Hi I'm Al"
"Full name Slytherdork" James said to him
"Fine, I'm Albus Severus Potter."
"Well I'm sure I had a reson!" Harry defended.
"You did but I'm not gonna spoil it. Anyway, I'm Albus, I'm 12 and I'm a Slytherin"

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