What happened to Josie?

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*Harpers pov*

Aside from us going back in time, the day was going pretty well, untul Mum asked the question I'd been dreading.
"So what happened to Josie?"
I had to use everything in me to hold back tears. The date already made it hard enough, May 2nd 2018, the 20 year anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts. This day was always a big day in the Granger-Weasley-Potter family but it was even bigger for me Mum and Ma. Everyone that was there had lost a family member or friend but my family was especially torn. I had lost my big sister whom I adored with all my heart, my Ma had lost her big brother, and Mum had lost her adopted daughter and one of her closest friends. Today was also Vic's birthday but we usally celebrate that on the 1st or 3rd (we still do something for her on the 2nd though). Of course, none of the people from this timeline had gone through this gut wretching pain yet but they would soon have to.
"Whos Josie?" Practically everyone asked
"Shes Harpers older sister, we took her away from her dad for obvious reasons and now she lives with my parents" Mum explained to them before turning back to me
"Somethings wrong. Harp whats wrong? Don't try lying to me I have known your lying face since the first time you spoke"
"I-um-I-uh" I couldn't do it, I couldn't even bare talking about it, just her name killed me inside, I could have done something, I SHOULD have done something, but I didn't I was to scared and I didn't. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice that a lone tear had escaped and was now moving down my cheek.
"It's ok babe, want me to say it? You wanna leave the room?" Teddy asked me. God I love that boy.
"N-no I-I can stay but can you-"
"Yeah I will don't worry"
"You can what" Mum asked him, tears now dripping out of her eyes as well knowing the answer would be.
"Um, exactly 20 years ago, well in two years for you guys, there was a battle at Hogwarts. Um a uh a lot of people um were uh lost. One of which being Josie"
I don't know how but little me seemed to realise what was being said and burst out crying. Mum was in shock and tears were silently spilling out her eyes while Ma hugged her. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started crying to Teddy immediately hugged me and for a split second made everything feel better. He always did that, I don't know how but it always worked.
Stupid Mad-eye who had only arrived a while ago, had to ruin the moment
"Who else dies"
I wiped my tears and took a deep breath before explaining
"Um later this year uh Sirius dies in a battle in the ministry."
Harry just stared at him. God the pain in his eyes was unbearable to look at at. I knew exactly how it felt to have the most important person in your life ripped away from right of you.
"Who" Sirius asked
"Who killed me"
"Bellatrix Lestrange" I say to him
"That bitch" was his only reaction
"Did she at least pay?"
All us future kids couldn't help but grin thinking of the story Ma had told us about how Grandma had killed her.
"We'll explain that later" I said leaving everyone with a confused expression
"Alright who dies next then." Mad-eye asks
"Next year, Dumbledore is killed by someone who I won't say, then its Mad-eye. You died against Moldy Shorts himself though. Then its um Remus and Tonks during the battle"
Tonks started crying and Remus looked at Teddy with a pained look
"How old were you?" Tonks asked her son
"I was 19 days old" He told her
"Merlin Teddy I'm so sorry." She rushed over and hugged him tightly
"Who raised you?" She asked him
"Nana Dromeda raised me until I was six when she passed, then Harry and Charlie rasied since Charlie is my godfather."
An/ in this Tonks and Charlie were besties so it made more sence for Charlie to be godfather
"Whos next?" Remus asked
"Then it was uh then it was Josie, and then then" I began
"Me" Fred interupted
"What!" Molly yelled
"No no it it can't be, your far to young" You could hear the pain in her voice, she knew it was true.
"I'm the only one without kids Mum, and shes stuttering, she only stuttered with me and Josie, we're the two she was closest to."
Molly looked at me hope in her eyes for me to dismiss this and tell her it was someone else. I couldn't lie to her, I just looked down.
"No!" She started sobbing and it was a blur, just like when they found out his death the first time, or second I don't really understand it.
"Why don't we tell them what happen with ol Bella, it'll cheer them up a little?" Roxy suggested
This got everyones attention
I laughed a bit and then began to tell them
"So um after Fred's death, everyone was moirning or fighting and Bellatrix shot the killing curse at Ginny, wow felt weird to call her by her first name, anyway luckily it skimmedd past her and just left a tiny scar across her arm. Molly of course was furious, having just lost one child and not willing to lose another, she stood in front of Ma and said to ol Bella, yeah we call her that don't ask, "not my daughter you bitch!" And started dueling her, long story short, Grandma litteraly blew her into dust."
This deffinately lightened the mood a bit. After a bit of a laugh it was about time for dinner to wrap up.

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