The War

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*Harpers Pov*
I sat huddled up in a ball in my sister's lap. We sat in the room of requirement hiding as I trembled praying my loved ones were still alive. We hadn't seen much but we knew the death count was high, we just hoped none of the fallen were those of our family. I was cring in my sisters arms terrifed, of what would happen next. She was trying to remain strong for me I felt a warm tear hit my arm as she wispered in my ear.
"It's gonna be ok baby, it'll be ok"
These words, comforting as they were, were not at all true. I told myself to believe them but I knew, this was war, war never ends well. I knew that it wasn't going to be ok, I knew that even if the war ended the pain of the lost ones would always remain. This was not a thought that should be plauging a five year olds mind, but in war, we all grow up to fast.
As I hugged my sister tight I heard the door break down. I knew that this was the last time I would hold my sister. She leapt to her feet and stood holding her wand out in a battle stance.
"RUN HARPER!" She screemed to me.
The doorway was blocked by a large man and infront stood a woman. There was no way out. Panicked I ran and hid behind a couch. I watched as my sister dueled the death eaters, I tried to memorize the spells she used. She was doing so well, she was only 15 and fighting off two death eaters. I thought she could win. I was naive.
"EXPELIARMUS!"She screemed at the man who was about to fire a curse at her. The wand shot out of the mans hand and into hers. They contiued to duel, the man had regained his wand and was getting the upperhand on her. Just as he was about to shoot cruico at her she shot a non verbal spell at him and he fell. Dead. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from screeming. I felt warm tears drip down my face. Not out of grief from the man but because my sister had had to kill someone. She always told me she never eanted to harm anyone in this war but she had to, she had to kill someone to stop herself from getting killed. This is war. I told myself. I only knew of war from storys, I never thought I would have to be in one and witness a death first hand.
The death of her fellow death eater only made the woman want to kill more. My sister put up a good fight. But all good things end.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" The woman yelled. A green spark shot out of her wand and hit my sister straight in the chest. The rest felt like slow motion. I watcged as she fell to the ground. As the evil woman laughed.
"JOSIE!!" I screamed out to my sister.
Not thinking I sprinted away from the couch I hid behind and to her still, dead body.
"Josie no!" I sobbed into her chest, holding her tight.
"Shes gone little girl" The woman laughed
"Now its your turn. AVADA KEDVARA!" She yelled at me.
I don't know how I did it. In a split second I grabbed Josie's wand and yelled a spell I could remember her using. Surely this wouldn't work.
"PROTEGO!" I scremed.
A shield appered around me. The green spark of the killing curse hit the shield. But instead of coming through and killing as I thought it would, it bounced straight back and hit the woman.
I dropped the wand and cried. I just killed someone. I don't know how long I sat just holding Josie's limp body in my arms but it felt like eternity before I saw someone run through the door.
"HARPER!" My mother screamed
"Mummy!" I yelled running into her arms.
"It's ok baby, I'm here baby"
Then she noticed Josie. She dropped to her knees tears pooring out of her eyes as she clutched Josies body close to her.
I clung onto her side, also crying.
We sat like that for what seemed to be hours until we heard a voice coming from the door.
"Hermione?" The voice said
"Oh Mione" she said as she rushed up and pulled my mother into a tight embrace.
"C'mon, we'll bring her into the great hall"
My mum nodded and they picked up Josies body and carried her into the hall as I followed closely behind.
"Gin!" Another voiced called out to her as we walked in.
She placed Josie down next to the other's who had been lost and raced into the arms of the person who called her.
"Ron!" She said inbetween sobs.
It was then I noticed the bodys around me. There among them, lay my favourite uncle, and my best friend, Fred. I broke down crying again and my mother picked me up into her arms and cradled me as we both sobbed.
She took me out into the courtyard away from all the mourning people and we just sat in silence.
"Did we win?" I wispered breaking the silence.
"Yeah baby, we won"
"Thats good" I said managing a small smile.
We once again sat in silence until Ginny came.
"Hey babe" She said sitting down next to my mum.
"Hey" she said back.
I moved from next to my mother so I could sit in Ginny's lap.
"Hey mama" I said looking up to her.
"Hey baby" She said hugging me.
My world had just come crumbling down but this moment just seemed perfect.

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