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First, I want to dedicate this chapter to my little sister who I love dearly tigerlilly05
Second, sorry it's been so long!! Please forgive me!!

It's been almost a month since I was spanked last, and I'm hoping to make it longer. It's almost time for end of year exams so all of us are studying hard and it's taking its toll on our tempers and our energy.

"Alexis, please sit up and pay attention to me. Sleep is for the dormitory." I hear Siri say sternly but with a hint of concern. I simply nod and try to focus on the class. Soon, I nod off and my head hits the desk hard.

"Ah! S*it!!" I yelp.

"Alexis Faith! Watch your mouth." He scolds before handing me a pass and sending me to the infirmary to be checked out. I decide to go to the dormitory and sleep instead and I end up falling asleep as soon as I reach my bed.


"Ouch!" I yell as I wake up and come face to face with my mom.

"Want to explain why you are here and not in the infirmary?" She says dangerously calm. I start sputtering our explanations but she silences me with a wave of her hand. She then feels my forehead.

"Hmm... you aren't warm. Why are you so sleepy my darling?" She asks, obviously concerned. I explain that between studying and classes I haven't gotten much Sleep.

"We will make a schedule. You need sleep. Now off to class." She says propelling me forward with a swat. I grab my bag and head to Potions. Potions goes super slowly and when it finally ends I rush out and to the great hall with my friends and siblings. We all chow down on the food then it and talk. Then a note appears in front of Hermione, Harry, Ron and me. We all look at each other then open the notes.


6a- wake up
7a- breakfast
8a through 11a- Classes
11a through 12p- lunch
12p through 1:30p- study/ free time
1:30p through 4p- classes
4p through 6p- study/ free time
6p through 7p- dinner
7p through 8p- showers/ prepare for bed
8p through 9p- quiet time
9p- bed time

We expect you to follow the schedule. We will know if you don't.

Love, Mom, Dad, and the bros 💚❤️

We all groan at the early bedtime but silently agree to follow it anyways. I look at the clock and see it's nearly 12p so we all get up and head to the common room to study. Before we know it, Mom comes in the door and puts her hands in her hips.

"Why aren't you in class!?" She exclaims.

"We must've lost track of time!" I say jumping up and packing my bag. We all rush to class and get detention for being late. We attend all classes on time and finally we head to detention with Filch. He takes us to go clean the dungeons.

"You missed a spot." He tells me for the millionth time. I throw the rag at him and glare through him.

"Why don't you do it so it'll be perfect then you righteous arsehole!!" I yell at him and turn to storm off.

"Do. Not. Move. A. Muscle." I hear Sev's voice boom. I freeze and turn to look at him.

"Argus, I'll take her to the headmaster. You keep on eye on the others." He says and he grabs me and leads me to Dads office without a word. I try pulling away but he tightens his grip and keeps walking.

"What happened? I thought she had detention with Argus?" Dad asked when he sees us.

"She threw her rag at him and called him a righteous arsehole because she was only doing her task halfway." Sev explains as I stare at the ground.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Dad asks me.

"Nothing. He is a righteous arsehole and he can shove it-" I start ranting only to be silence by Dads booming voice.

"ENOUGH! You have been long overdue for a while and you've earned a spanking. Go to the corner while I calm down. NOW!" He booms, adding the last part when I hesitate. I rush to the corner and stand there facing the walls of torture. After an eon, he finally calls me to him.

"Anything else you want to say?" He asks.

"I'm sorry. For what I said to Mr. Filch and for my outburst earlier." I say sincerely. He nods and then guides me over his knee.


He spanks me from the top of my bottom to mid thigh and soon I'm crying over his knee.

"I will be good!!" I say and he finally stops. He pulls me up and into a hug and hold me until I'm calmer.

"It's time for dinner. Why don't you go get some food hmm?" He says gently once I'm calmer. I nod and we walk to dinner together. Once I am done eating we all head to the common room and play exploding gobstones. I shower around 7:30 and then read my book until I fall asleep.

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