Nightmares and Attitiude

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"Wake up, Alexis!" I hear Hermione say as she shakes my shoulder urgently. As soon as I am fully awake, I notice that I am drenched in sweat.

"I'm fine." I mumble, trying to go back to sleep.

"No, you aren't. This is the 5th time I've had to wake you up tonight.  We are going to your Dad." she says.

"No! He will make us stay in his quarters. I don't want to be away from you just because of some nightmares." I beg.

"Fine, but if you keep having them, I will tell him. Let's get ready for class." Hermione says.

"It's morning already!?" I exclaim.

"Yes, and we better get to the Great Hall and eat before class. We have Potions first today."Her,ione says. I jump up and get my robes on and we head downstairs after meeting the boys in the common room, like always.

"Are you okay, Alexis?" Harry and Ron ask me at the same time. I force a smile and nod

"Let's eat." I say, and we dig in. The only thing that breakfast did for me was make me even sleepier. By the time we get to Potions, I am in a VERY bad mood.

"Good morning class." Sev says. I just cross my arms and roll my eyes. Sev raises a eyebrow, but doesn't comment.

"Today we will be brewing a memory potion. Get out your books and turn to page 352. Gather your ingredients and you may begin." Sev says. We all start brewing as he walks around.

"Are you feeling okay, Alexis?" Sev whispers in my ear. My mood caused by my lack of sleep kicks in right then.

"Yes, I am! Just because I look like bloody s*** doesn't mean I feel bad!" I yell, stomping my foot.

"Hermione, carry on. Me and my little sister need to talk." Sev says, putting his hand on my shoulder and trying to guide me to the only empty workstation. I refuse to move, so he picks me up and carries me to the workstation. He sits me down and places a sticking charm to the stool.

"Care to tell me what that was all about?" he asks gently.

"No." I say rudely as I look away.

"If you want to be difficult then you can go stand in the corner until you are ready to talk." Sev says.

"No, especially not in front of the entire class!" I yell once again.

"That's it! Go to the corner or I'll escort you there and I'll give you some swats on the way." Sev fumes.

"No!" I yell, stamping my feet again. Sev follows through on his threat. He cancels the sticking charm, grabs my ear, and takes me to the corner, giving me a swat with every couple steps. I yelp with the last two.

"Now stay there until I say you can come out." Sev says. I stand there for silence for the rest of class.

"Come here." Sev says after he dismisses class. I walk over and he pulls me into his lap and holds me close.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he asks. I nod.

"Good. Please tell me what's wrong." he please. I cave and tell him about my nightmares and Hermione's threat.

"I think you should tell Dad, like Hermione said. Let's go now." he says, startinf to stand up.

"No!" I yell.

"I will carry you like a baby through the hallways, or you can walk like a civilized person." he says with his eyes flashing. I cross my arms and glare at him. He picks me up and carries me to Dad's office, with me kicking and screaming the whole way. When we enter the office, I see the whole family, including Harry and Hermione.

"What is this, an intervention?" I say rudely.

"Alexis Faith Dumbledore! Stop with this attitude and sit down before I make that uncomfortable!" Dad says, obviously sick of my behavior. I roll my eyes and sit between Sirius and Remus. Remus swats me twice before I sit down. I cross my arms and glare for a few moments, until Dad clears his throat. I turn to glare at him.

"We are here because we care and we know something is wrong. Hermione is here because we all know that she knows what is going on. Now, what is going on?" Dad says. I tell him what i tell Sev, word for word. We talk about it for a while, then we decide that if I hide the nightmares again, I will have to stay in the Teachers' quarters for a while, but if I come to one of them with the nightmares, I get to stay in the dorms. Also, I have to take a nap in the Teachers' Quarters after lunch. We all agree and head to lunch. It had to have been a sight to see when we all walked in at the same time. I eat and then head to my room and Mom and Dad's quarters. I fall asleep and sleep peacefully until the end of classes. Mom let me go to Hagrid's hut with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We come back and eat dinner, then I go straight to bed, still exhausted. I sleep peacefully through the night.

New Dumbledores??!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें