A Deal With A Somewhat Annoying Devil| Saiouma Oneshot

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He felt scorching fire pulsate into his back as he was shoved forward." You will do this for us, no matter how much you argue!" His father bellowed, smoke emitting from his hand." I will never do it!" Shuichi yelled fruitlessly as the enchanted door slammed shut and embedded itself into the wall. Though never claustrophobic, he suddenly felt really trapped."Hey... Rantaro, wake up, come on. You're stronger than this," Shuichi whispered, crawling over to beaten body which laid limply in the corner."Come on, you always talked about escaping with Tsumugi and creating a safe haven in the sky for us, you can't let our parents stop you now," he begged desperately, gently shaking the boy. Rantaro's head rolled over, and dull green eyes looked back at him.

"Heh... don't worry Shu. I'll recover. Mom just went a little overboard is all." Rantaro rasped, giving a small smile in the dark. But though he could not see this smile, Shuichi could blatantly see that the green haired boy was lying." No, I'll... I'll open the door, and you can escape, and then..." Shu mumbled before heaving upwards, using the wall as a support."We'll get you out, I promise! We just need a ritual circle, uhm... healing..." A fit of coughs from the boy made him break off and lean down worriedly. Rantaro looked up at Shuichi before placing a hand on his arm comfortingly."Don't listen to anything they say, okay? You're my little brother, even if I'm not here," And then, with a blinding light, Rantaro disappeared and Shuichi staggered as he felt his magic taken from him forcefully.


Three years. Three years since Rantaro vanished. Not even a songbird or a droplet from him. And his parents, oh how badly he wished he went with Rantaro. Knives, sharp stones, fire, ice, even magical beasts. Whatever they got their hands on, they threw at him. And it broke him. Or maybe he was always this broken. Whichever the case, all that mattered was that he was losing a battle. There was no turning this around, and every little bit of will that he had manifested had left."Are you going to do it or not?" His mother demanded from above his bloodied form. Head hanging low, he nodded and was pulled up by the scruff.

     Forced down miles of stairs, he finally arrived at the room."You know our demands, and you know that he is evil. So sacrifice your well being and your soul if needed, just get us what we want," His father reiterated, the statement that had burrowed deep into Shuichi's mind. And then, he was forced into a new dimly lit chamber, and the door sealed once more. In front of him laid a chessboard with only black pieces. Shuichi knew his deadline was in a few hours, and he knew that he would not return from this ritual. But, he had no will to fight, so he sat, and moved his pawn, and began reciting the deal.

      "A deal, please. I want for Hera Saihara and Zeus Saihara to become gods with the ability to control everything, and the only consequences will be dealt to me, Shuichi Saihara. It will last forever, and they will be immortal. I am willing... I will give my soul and my life to make this deal,"

    A new pawn, a black chess piece with a purple outline moved forward. Shuichi poured every bit of magic he had left into the chessboard, waiting for the thing to happen. And then, as he played chess with nothing, a childish laugh echoed throughout the chamber."Checkmate! Oh that was fun! You're the first person to ever be like that.'oooo make my really horrible parents gods please mr devil and let me take the downfall because i'm so smart,'" The voice mocked, and the chessboard split into two, and up rose what Shuichi had been imagining.

      Two large spiraling horns cut through its pitch dark hair that had a purple sheen beneath. Hollow eyes dug into everywhere all at once. The chessboard rose and snapped around the creature's neck, like a medieval shaming podium. Its arms rested a top the chess board lazily. It had skin so white that it seemed transparent. And finally, a broken floating tail made up of the chess pieces floated behind it."Kokichi Ouma, at your service! Well, I guess you're at my service,"

      "Are you accepting the deal or not," Shuichi asked firmly, annoyance creeping into his voice. Why couldn't this thing understand that it would be better for this deal to be over so he could leave the forsaken place he had been trapped in?"Ahhh, why not! Gotta give me your newborn children though," Ouma said, flipping onto his back and resting his arms behind his head. Shu immediately felt himself light up. Children? He was going to live to have children?"Ah ha! That's a lie, your deal sounds lame. Besidesss, if I could make people a god, I would've made myself a god a loonnng time ago," Ouma suddenly said in response to his expression.

      Fear. That was all he felt for a moment. Chains tightening around his neck, nearly snapping the bone beneath.bKnives digging into his skin, ripping out chunks of him. Teeth latched onto his feet, begging to tear them from his body whole. Cold around his mouth, ice preventing him from screaming. Fire lashing at his face, making his vision go out steadily. His father in front of him, anger the only emotion in his movements. His mother puppeteering everything, her hollow laughter echoing in response to his pain. And then the chains would tighten, and everything would just stop.

      "Some dark thoughts you got there," Ouma observed, snapping Shuichi out of his terrified stupor." Please, please accept the deal. Make them god like or enhance their abilities or something, please. I don't want to die," The thought played over and over in his mind like a broken record. Don't want to die don't want to die don't want to die dontwanttodie dontwanttodiedontwanttodiedontwanttodiedontwanttodiedontwanttodie.

     "Alright, your turn,"

       Ouma had his king on the bare table, and suddenly Shuichi noticed he was holding his queen. Hesitantly, he placed it down and moved it across the table, and then took the king piece off. And then a heavy rattling sound echoed through the chamber."I have a few terms to add," Shuichi nodded,"Yes, anything!" "I shall take a human form. I shall stand by your side. I will stall for a few more minutes as WAR (Wizardry Acts Of Restoration) breaks into your home and slays your parents. I shall send us both to a tower in the sky, where we can live together," Ouma said, his voice no longer his intimidating devil voice but one of an excited child.

     A tower... in the sky?"Rantaro's alive?!" Shuichi exclaimed, overjoyed. He felt all of his energy surge back into him and Shu jumped up and hugged the devil, whose pale skin turned into a shade of peach upon contact. The chessboard trap around his neck faded into a scarf, and his tail was expertly knitted as little flails around his belt. The only thing that did not change were the hollow eyes of Ouma."Kokichi now. Come on, Shu! I wanna meet your brother! I bet I could scare the heck out of him if I straight up turned devil, bamf! Right in front of him!" Kokichi exclaimed, hugging Shuichi back.

    Intertwined in the devil's arms, they were enveloped by a purple light, and disappeared together, for what could be a better ending than a devil turned good?

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