I Get a Letter

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Hello guys, before the story starts I want to shout out Rarnation for helping me make the characters in this story and helping me write this. Go look at the books she has written, they're pretty cool. 

I was laying on the floor in my room when I heard the front door open and close. Soon after that my mum came into my room and handed me a letter. 

"I don't know who this is from," she said, "But it's addressed to you. I found it on the front steps."

I opened the letter as my mum left the room; it read:

Dear Mr. Adams, 

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. 

Yours sincerely, 

Minerva McGonagall


I looked at the other page that was behind the letter. It had all kinds of weird spellbooks and other witchy things. After I read the whole letter I jumped up and headed down the stairs to ask my mum what the joke was about. When I was about halfway down the stairs I fell down to the ground. I didn't feel anything though, because I was already asleep. I woke up to my mom and my step-sister, Academia shaking me. 

"Oh my gosh!" Academia called to me when I woke up, "That's the fifth time that's happened this month!"

My mother saw the letter in my hand and took it. "Dear!" She called, "You got in! I'm so happy for you!" Then she squeezed me till I couldn't breathe.

"I got in what?" I asked, "What's that letter for?"

"Hogwarts!" My mum cried,

Academia and I looked at her disgustedly, "What?" Academia asked.

"It's the school for witches and wizards!" My mum said, Academia and I just stared at her.

"Is this a joke?" I asked, 

My mum shook her head, "No, of course not honey!"

"What are witches and wizards?" Academia asked, I nodded because I was thinking the same thing.

"Well, they have magic. You can go to Hogwarts to learn about magic and to learn how to use it. Witches are the girls, wizards are the boys."

"So, I'm a wizard?" I asked. This was really starting to freak me out. I was hoping my mum was just playing a practical joke on me. I mean magic couldn't be real, could it?

"Yes," my mother confirmed, "You are a wizard. Next year you will be going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry!"

This had to be a joke! I could not handle a world of magic, that was just too scary in my normal life. If my mum was actually telling the truth, I would probably die. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but I would definitely freak. 

"I will send an owl for you, dear." my mum said, "I can't wait for you to go to Hogwarts!"

"What's up with the owl?" Academia asked skeptically, "What are you doing with it? Do you have to give this mysterious school an owl to get in?"

"No, you send letters using owls," My mum looked at Academia like this was obvious.

"Okay, if you actually are telling the truth," I said, "Why didn't you tell me I was a wizard before?"

My mum shrugged, "I don't know, I just didn't."

I looked at her skeptically. Then my cat, Teenyboi, ran up to me and rubbed up against my leg. Teenyboi was a tiny grey cat, hence the name. My other sister, Adeleh had named him. "Hey, Teenyboi," I said, then I petted him.

"Well," I said, "I think you are lying. I don't want to go to this 'Hogwarts.' I don't care what you say, I am not believing you."

My mother sighed, "Well, if you don't believe me, then you can say it after you come back from Hogwarts."

"Mum, come on!" I cried, "I like my friends at my school, like Basil and Zack. I don't want to leave them and go to some stupid fake magic school." I assumed that my mum was just saying this to get me to go to a fancy new school, I was not going to fall for it.

"I am not kidding, Aaron!" My mum yelled, "You are a wizard! End of conversation."

"I don't want to be though! If you are telling the truth, I don't want to use magic, that's scary! I just want to be a normal kid, with normal friends!"  Academia looked from me to my mum following our conversation.

My mum looked angrily at me and grabbed Teenyboi, "Go to your room," she said calmly, "till you learn how to accept yourself."

I ended up staying in my room the whole day, at dinner time Academia brought me a tray of food. "Hey," she sighed, "Are you okay? Mum seems pretty upset, and you have been in here the whole day."

"Yes," I muttered, "I'm fine, it's just I can't tell if she was being serious or not..."

"I think she was serious," Academia said, "She wants you to go to that school."

"Yeah," I said, "I don't want to though. This is so scary for me!"

"Well, maybe you should be braver! You should at least try to go there for one year. If you really don't like it, you could come home."

"Yeah, I guess, but it's so scary!"

"If you won't do it for mum, then do it for me!" Academia pleaded, 

"Fine, I'll go." I snapped, then immediately regretted it, because I knew I couldn't back out now.

"Well good for you." Academia smiled, then put the tray on my bed and ran down to the kitchen, probably going to tell my mum. I stood up and groaned. I was going to Hogwarts, and that was final.

Hey everyone! this is Rarnation! I just want to say that Bunnian and I worked super hard planning for this book. There was a lot of stuff to do, like making the characters and their families and things. The cover is finally finished too. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter is going to be really exciting! Bye!

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