chapter twenty two

Start from the beginning

I felt empathy from her words but I knew exactly how she felt.

"You can go home whenever you like, I'm not stopping you, ever. Family is so important and I know it's hard to be away from them for this long. I would cancel everything on my schedule to fly you home." I told her and she looked at me shocked.

"You'd do that?" She asked me and I nodded reassuringly.

"We have four days until Chicago, but we could fly over after." I said and she began sobbing again.

She pulled me into a tight hug and I kissed her shoulder. She lifted her face, inches away from mine. I caressed her cheeks and she kissed me passionately.

I felt my whole body fill with joy. I straddled her lap and she leaned down so we were lying down on the couch.

"I missed you so much," she said not breaking the kiss.

"I missed you more," I replied into her lips. I pulled my lips off hers and laid my head of her chest. I started to think about how grateful I was and before I knew it, y/n had fallen asleep underneath me.

A bright idea came to mind and I picked up her phone, smiling to myself hoping that my plan could work.



Ariana's last show of the first leg was tomorrow and I was so proud of her.

Ariana had a cheeky smile on her face for the past two days but it made me smile knowing that she was happy.

We were cooking a big meal since Ariana told me a few of her friends were coming over.

We were in the middle of kissing when the doorbell rang. She pulled her lips off mine and smiled.

"Could you get the door, baby?" She asked me and I nodded making my way to the door.

I opened the door and my heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn't believe who I saw. I was so happy but so confused.

"Mum! Dad! Ruby!" I screamed and engulfed them all in a big hug. Tears poured from my eyes as I calmed myself.

"I had them come visit us, I know how much you missed them." Ariana said from behind me. I turned around and I pecked her lips as she wiped my tears.

"Come in! It's nice to finally meet y'all in person." Ariana said helping them with their bags. I was too shocked to process what was happening.

After my family had seen their rooms and I gave them a little tour, we all sat down for some dinner.

"Y'all must be exhausted," Ariana said and my family chuckled.

"No, thanks to you, our first class service was so relaxing. Thank you so much, dear" My mum said and Ariana smiled.

"It's not a problem, I just wanted y/n to feel less homesick. So thank you for coming," my girlfriend said.

"So how's tour been?" My dad asked Ariana.

"Oh I have loved every second of it. It has been such an incredible experience and I don't want it to end. Don't get me wrong, it is very tiring, but I'm so grateful for everything. I've met so many amazing people, such as your wonderful daughter. She's so sweet and caring and supportive." Ariana responded and my family were so happy.

"If y'all want, I would love for you all to come to my last show of the first leg of tour tomorrow night. I've been non-stop rehearsing and I can say that it will be a great show!" She said with a smile and my parents nodded their heads.

After chatting for an hour or so, Ariana and I took everyones plates and started on the dishes.

"You're family is so cute" Ariana told me with a grin which made me smile.

"I'll wash and you dry?" I asked and she nodded.

We always knew how to make a chore into something fun. We told jokes and had a bubble fight.

My sister came into the kitchen after her shower and laughed at our silliness.

"Would you two like any help?" She asked and I hummed.

"We're almost done, but I know the jet lagged feeling so try get some sleep, we've got some sightseeing and a late night tomorrow." I told her hugging her with wet bubbly arms.

"Alright, goodnight y/n. Goodnight Ariana," Ruby said smiling.

"Don't be awkward, give her a hug," I said pushing her into Ariana, they both hugged and laughed as I hugged them both tightly.


After everyone went to bed, Ariana and I decided to go to bed too.

We both were wearing matching silk pyjamas and reading when I felt Ariana's foot glide up and down my leg.

I looked over to her and she gave me a cheeky smile.

"I'm not having sex with my family here." I whispered and she giggled.

"We could be quiet, if that's possible." She purred in my ear. I put my book down and cupped her face.

"Baby, you're so tempting," I grinned widely. Her lips attached to mine and her hands wondered all over my body.

"Y/n?" I heard my sister call out from the other side of the door and Ariana jumped off me. We both picked up our books pretending to have not been doing anything.

"Yeah? You can come in," I said and she opened the door shyly.

"What's up?" I asked with a smile.

"One of the puppies spewed and I was wondering what to use to clean it," she said and I got out of bed and turned to see Ari had a confused look on her face.

"One of the puppies did what?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"Spewed... threw up or vomited" I explained.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Ruby." She said getting out of bed.

After cleaning it up, we went back to bed.

She picked up her book and I did the same. I rested my head on her lap and she ran her fingers through my hair.

After reading a few pages I felt sleepy so I put my book down and cuddled up to her as she read for a bit longer.

"Goodnight Ariana, I love you." I said and she placed her hand on my forehead, stroking it soothingly.

"Goodnight beautiful, I love you too," she said as she placed her bookmark in her book and put it on the bedside table.

She turned off the lamp and cuddled up to me. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arm around her. I stroked her head and kissed her forehead.


Heyyyy everyone!!

I hope you're enjoying the storyyy! Let me know what you think of it, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Thanks again for reading this book! x

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