Chapter 79

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"I'm gonna miss you aunt Kate" Avery said as she hugged Kate. "Oh I'll miss you too beautiful girl. But you'll see me soon when you guys visit next month ok?" Kate said as bent down to Avery's level and she nodded before hugging her once more. I gave each of the Denali's a hug before looking at them all. "Thank you guys for everything" I said.

"It's what family is about. Helping each other in times of need" Carmen said and I smiled. "Garett, treat my Kate here like she is a queen" I said and he chuckled as he pulled her close. "Wouldn't treat her any other way" He replied before they ran off into the woods. I saw Emmett talking to the Irish coven and I walked over as Avery ran to Zafrina and Senna.

"Goodbye Malory" Siobhan said as she hugged me. I hugged her back before hugging Maggie and Liam. "You two have a truly amazing and beautiful daughter" Liam said and I smiled. "Thank you. Till we meet again which I'm sure we will" I said and they all smiled. "Give us a shout the next time you visit Ireland" Liam said and I giggled as I nodded before they disappeared.

"I'm gonna say goodbye to Senna and Zafrina" I said to Emmett before walking over.

Emmett's P.O.V

I smiled as I watched Malory walk away and Rosalie walked over standing beside me. "I was wrong about her Emmett" said Rosalie and I turned to her. "When the two of you first began dating, I didn't think she was right for you but I take that all back now" Rosalie replied and I smiled. "She's amazing" I said in adoration.

"But so is Avery. She's lucky she has the both of you" Rosalie said and I looked at her. "You know Rose, I've never thanked you for everything you've done for me. You saved my life and because of you I met Malory and now we have a beautiful daughter together. That would have never happened had you not found me in the woods that day many years ago. You've been an amazing best friend and sister to me. Thank you" I said and Rosalie smiled before hugging me.

We pulled away and saw Malory and Avery walking over to us with Embry in toe. "There she is" Rosalie said before hugging Avery. "Look what Zafrina gave me. One of her necklaces. She said it would bring me luck" Avery said as she held out the necklace and I smiled. "It's beautiful" I said and she smiled. "Let's head home. Embry, you're welcome to come" I said as I looked to Embry who nodded.

Malory's P.O.V

Emmett and I were sat on the grass in our backyard as we watched Malory and Embry chase each other around and I smiled as she giggled and squealed. I looked up at Emmett and saw him already looking at me. "She's amazing isn't she?" I said and he nodded. "We certainly got blessed with her" Emmett replied. "A gift from my mom" I said and Emmett smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

"I know I've said it before but, moving to Forks really was the best thing I ever did. I didn't see my future. I didn't think I would be alive much longer but then I met you and everything got better. You've given me everything I've ever wanted. A husband, a home, a beautiful child. And all of this was possible because I moved here" I said and Emmett smiled once again.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me Malory and without you, I would be nothing. Your mom would be so proud of the person you've become" Emmett said and I smiled before pressing my lips to his once more. "Mom! Dad! Come play!" Avery said and I smiled before Emmett and I stood up joining in on their game.

"I'm going to get you Avery-Grace!" I exclaimed before picking her up. She squealed and I turned her in my arms. As she looked into my eyes images of all of us laughing together flashed through my mind. Are we going to be together forever now? Avery's voice asked and I nodded. "Yeah. Forever" I said and she smiled before hugging me tightly.

"I love you mom" She whispered. "I love you more" I whispered back as I hugged her tightly.

The End.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ