Chapter 35

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I gripped the seat as Alice sped along the country road as we headed to Volterra. "I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella said breaking the silence. "I figured you girls wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto" Alice joked and I let out a sigh as I bounce my leg up and down. I saw Alice go quiet and realised she was having a vision.

"What? What do you see?!" I said as I leaned forward from the backseat. "They refused them" Alice said. "So?..." Bella asked, slightly confused. "They're going to make a scene. Show themselves to the humans" Alice said and my eyes widened. "No! When?!" I exclaimed. "They're going to wait till noon, when the suns at its highest" Alice replied and I sat back in my seat gripping my hair.

"Alice you gotta hurry up" Bella said. "There's Volterra" Alice said and I looked out the window to see the approaching village. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!" I said as I began to hyperventilate. "Mal, calm down, it's going to be ok!" Alice said as she looked to me in the rearview mirror.

"What if we don't get there in time?! What if we're too late?!" I cried as tears of panic and fear filled my eyes. "Just breathe ok?" Alice said and I began taking deep breaths. As we entered the village, Alice honked the horn at bystanders who were walking in the road as we sped through. "Shit that's a lot of people!" I said as we drove through a crowd, Alice beeping at people who were in the way.

"Why are they all in red?!" Bella said. "San Marco's day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the village. It's the perfect setting. The Volturi will never let them get far enough to reveal themselves. " Alice said. "Not helping Alice" I said as I rubbed my face. "We have five minutes!" Bella said and I looked to the time to see it was 11:55 AM.

"You know, Bella, just breathe" Alice said. We came to a halt by police officers. Bella jumped out and I climbed through jumping out of the car. "Alice!" Bella said. "Bella, you're the only one he won't see coming. If I go, he'll read my thoughts. He'll think I'm lying. He'll rush into it" Alice said. "Where do we go?!" I exclaimed in desperation.

"They'll be under the clock tower. Go!" Alice said before Bella and I sprinted off into the crowd. We came to a stop after a few feet and looked around. "Where do we go?!" Bella said. "I don't know! Just come this way! They're all going this way!" I said before we continued shoving through people. "Don't stop Bella just keep going!" I said as she faltered behind me.

Please let me get to him in time! I thought to myself as I continued running. We pushed through and stopped to see everyone gathered in the courtyard. "Come on!" Bella said grabbing my arm and we shoved through people desperately trying to fight through the thick crowd. We ran through the parade and continued pushing.

We got through the last of the crowd and stopped at the water fountain. I watched as the clock ticked to 12 and the bell sounded. My heart dropped as I saw Emmett and Edward step out. I watched as Emmett unbuttoned his shirt and without a second thought I leapt into the fountain, running as fast as I could through the water.

I jumped out landing on the ground as I ran as fast as I could as Emmett stepped out into the sun. "NOOO!" I cried before leaping onto him wrapping my legs around his waist as I tried to shield him from the sun. "Emmett, baby, open your eyes! Look at me! I'm here! I'm alive!" I cried, the tears falling as I grabbed his face in my hands.

He opened his eyes and I watched shock fill his eyes. "You have to move!" I said before he stumbled inside. "Malory?!" He said as he cradled my face in his one hand. "You're alive!" He said as he placed me down and I nodded as happy tears fell. He leaned down slamming his lips to mine, my arms wapping around his neck.

We pulled away and I leaned my forehead on his as relief filled my chest. "I'm so happy you're alive. I thought you were dead" Emmett said as he cradled my face in his hands once again and I shook my head. "I thought I wasn't going to get to you in time. I was so scared" I said and he smiled before hugging me to him tightly.

Oh how I've missed being in his arms. "I'm so sorry Malory. For everything I put you through. I promise I will never ever leave you again I swear" Emmett said and I sighed before nodding. "Good. I don't know what I'll do if you leave me again" I said as I looked up at him. "You're my world. My everything. I'm nothing without you" Emmett said and I rested my head on his chest as he held me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I did cut the chapter off here because it was getting too long and sometimes really long chapters just become boring so I've made a new chapter with the rest from this one if that made sense.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon