Sassy Pearl x Emo Pearl

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Blue Pearl was a servant to Blue Diamond she didn't mind it but she want to be a Pearl like White Diamonds old Pearl one who was adventurous and actually got off planet she wanted to be free. What she was trying to say was she wanted freedom and be part of the crystal gems like that would ever happen Blue Pearl thought. The only thing keeping her on this planet was well...Yellow Pearl she was the only gem who basically understanded her even though Yellow Pearl was snobbish she meant well.  

Yellow Pearl had to have a meeting. Correction her Diamond was having a meeting. Her Diamond was having a meeting with Blue Diamond that means she could speak with Blue Pearl if she wasn't drawing. "Hey BP how's the servant life" Yellow Pearl said sadly "Actually I have had a plan for awhile now" Blue Pearl stated "And what's that" Yellow Pearl whispered "we can escape and find White's old Pearl and become a crystal gem like her" Blue Pearl said calmly

Blue Pearl wasn't expecting a reaction from Yellow Pearl but of course it happened. "WHAT" Yellow Pearl whisper shouted "you don't have to come but if you want to i'm going right now after this conversation." Blue Pearl said trying to calm down Yellow Pearl "yeah I guess" Yellow Pearl whispered. Blue Pearl grabbed Yellow Pearl's hand and sprinted to the door they heard a faint yelling voice before the door shut. "GO!" Blue Pearl screamed dashing for the Space door they took a leap of faith and the last thing she saw before poofing in a safe area was Yellow Pearl's warm smile as they fell into the land below them.  

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