Chapter Twenty-four

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Owen Owens sat in the hot tub that occupied the living room of his quarters. If these are the regular quarters in this palace, then I can't wait to see my new 'suite of honor.' Owens was expecting the Mega's aide - Sergeant Major Cam-El shortly. Sergeant Major Cam-El was supposed to escort him to the new suite. Now Owens contemplated his position. It was good that he had decided to side with Colonel Da-Kaffee and the Mega. With the Big Bang Boom, that Jihad character should be no problem, and Dumbsfeld, or 'Aswad the Black,' as he now called himself; where'd he come from? One minute he's just the Colonels plumber or something, then he somehow squirrels his way into an advisory position, and next thing you know, poof, suddenly, he's running the show. Something's fishy in Litterbox if you ask me. Tomorrow I go with doctor Doobie-Do to kidnap the doctor's twin brother and recon Jihad's compound. Owens was so flabbergasted at the way things were going that he hadn't thought of Trey and Lita in hours. He knew they were put up in the tomb robber's quarters but hadn't heard what was happening with them. Screw them, those suspicious youngsters. I'm going places here, Major Leaguer! I can expect good things from this wacky place if tomorrow's mission goes as planned. I'd better get ready; Cam-El should be getting here soon.

Cam-El entered Owens quarters just as Owens was toweling off.

"You are not even dressed? Come on, we do not have much time. We must get you your armor before tomorrow's mission, please put on a towel."

Owens, surprised at the intrusion, reached for a towel. "I get armor? What is it, the latest body armor?"

"Oh, it is body armor, to be sure, but I would not exactly call it the latest."

"Oh well, I guess even outdated armor is better than nothing," Owens finished wrapping himself with the towel. "Plus, anything would be better than that referee outfit. Let me just go and put it on."

"No time for that, come on, you will not be needing your clothes where we are going." Cam-El grabbed Owens arm and pulled him towards the door.

"Hey, hey. Easy there, Sergeant Major, I think I outrank you by a few grades. Stand down or whatever it is you military types say."

"I have my orders Major Leaguer; we must hurry to the quartermaster's office at once."

Owens gave up and allowed the Sergeant Major to drag him through the palace in only his towel. They finally arrived at the quartermaster's office.

"Corporal Haji, this is Major Leaguer Owens. You are to supply him with the best suit of armor in the supply shack."

"Right away Sergeant Major," Corporal Haji turned and went in search of the suit of armor.

"Suit of armor?" Owens asked. "You don't mean a suit of armor like the Knights of the Round Table wore, do you Sergeant Major?"

"I do not know why anyone would try to wear a suit of armor at a table, let alone a round one, but yes, Major Leaguer Owens, that is exactly what I mean. What did you think I meant?"

Owens couldn't believe they were going to make him wear a suit of armor. "Why are you making me wear a suit of armor, Cam-El?"

"You were there, you heard the Colonel yourself. 'Sergeant Major see that Owens gets the 'suit of armor'. Besides, you will need it for your upcoming mission. The Colonel is only thinking of your safety."

Owens felt a sinking feeling. "Look, Sergeant Major Cam-El, I think what the Colonel said was; 'See that Owens gets the suite of honor. Suite of honor, not suit of armor. Besides, I couldn't possibly wear a suit of armor out in that desert, why, it must be a hundred and twenty degrees out there."

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