Chapter Forty-five

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Washingtown, District of Capitalists. War room, 00:30 President Andy Crist sits at the conference table with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the director of the Central Investigative Agency, Ronald Dumbsfeld, and his most trusted advisors.

Crist looked each of his chiefs in the eye. He wasn't an imposing man, Crist. At just five and a half feet high, all his chiefs towered over him. All these guys were probably all jocks in school, he thought. Just the type he hated. He'd been picked on by their kind as an adolescent. Hell, they used him as a human punching bag, but not anymore. Now he was in charge. These big lumbering ex-jocks with their shiny medals had to listen to him, his word was law now. Oh sure, they would argue, just like those bozo senators and congressmen, but he would show them who's boss in the end. This crisis is my chance to shine. To show the jocks and mean teachers of the world just what Andy Crist is made of.

Things had gotten much better since the CIA director, Dumbsfeld, entered the picture. Dumbsfeld was smart, plus, he really gave him confidence. Dumbsfeld just had to touch him, and he was filled with power like he never knew before. Watch out world, Andy Crist is in charge now!

Festeron knew he had to be here as Dumbsfeld to prod along this little midget.

Crist cleared his throat and looked over at Dumbsfeld. Dumbsfeld nodded and gave Crist a grim grin. "I don't think I have to tell you gentlemen how serious this is."

"We know how serious this is Mr. President," The large bulldog looking Marine, General Chaos, said in a gravelly voice. As the head of the Joint Chiefs of staff, he, along with the other chiefs found Crist to be a little, ineffective man, and couldn't understand how he managed to get elected. But, roughly half the population, fed up with that billionaire buffoon that they had elected last time, thought Crist would be the answer. None of these jackasses are ever the answer. Aggression is the answer. Crist had been a timid, unremarkable leader until Dumbsfeld showed up. Now Crist was getting cocky. The Chiefs would have to watch that.

General Crist and his fellow Chiefs had been itching for a chance to get their feet in the door of the middle east for some time. Dumbsfeld gave him the creeps, but he may be a godsend in this case. The CIA director had pulled Crist aside before the meeting to suggest using force against 'Those Scarab upstarts'.

Chaos had cringed away when Dumbsfeld had tried to place his claw on his shoulder. He had seen him do that to Crist many times, after which, Crist had acted like a sheep to Dumbsfeld's sheppard. Something was definitely off with that man. "This is indeed serious, Mr. President," Chaos said. But it may be a more serious problem for Saudi Libyaraqistan, than for us. We've had or eyes on that region for some time," Chaos could feel Dumbsfeld watching him.

"What do you suggest General?" Crist asked.

"As you know, we've sent a team in to secure the embassy, free Ambassador Thebozo, and find out the fate of our brave Marine guards. They are enroute to the embassy now. "I suggest we capture this new 'Sultan'."

"Who is this new leader, and who would we replace him with?" Crist asked.

"According to our intel, this 'Sultan' is just some student caught up in the revolutionary frenzy, Faquar something or other. We know nothing about him or how he ended up in power," General Chaos noticed that Dumbsfeld had a smirk on his face.

"Mr. Dumbsfeld?" Crist looked to his intelligence director.

"A nobody, in the right place at the right time. Or, perhaps the wrong place, at the wrong time. We need to get rid of him. We do have someone in mind Mr. President."

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