Twenty Seven

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It has been at least five months and Blue Eyes has gotten on everyone's nerves with his constant worrying and stalking of his pregnant wife. As soon as her stomach shown, he became very tense and frigid. He wouldn't let anyone near her and he was skittish. He even lashed out at his father, who did NOT like it. After Mina told him she was pregnant, he became very tense and frigid about her. When she would go out, he would follow close behind. When she would talk with the other apes, he was standing not far. She would when she would take her walks with Caesar he would follow. He absolutely refused to let Koba anywhere near her. Mina felt almost trapped by her own husband so she decided to come up with a plan to get him to relax. She knew he was following when she went down to the creek to bathe one night.

The air was cool and the stars shine bright, the moon the only light that guided her way as she walk down the path to the small river. As per usual Blue Eyes follow behind, jumping and swing above in the trees, sneakily watching his wife walk down the trail leisurely like there's nothing wrong at all. He worried for her because of the dream he had. She gave birth to his child, but she died in the process, and if she dies, so would he.

Mina hummed as she peeled off her doeskin dress and laid it on the boulder beside the river, then undid her hair from its braid and shook it out. Blue Eyes smiled a little as he watched her toe the water a bit, testing it out before walking into it. She dove underneath and came back up, her hair running down her back like a wave of color. He bit his lip as he scanned her curvy body, her stomach showing a large hump as water glistening off her creamy skin as she rubbed her body down. The moonlight glistening off her skin and bathed her in white light. She was, in every sense of the word, beautiful. He couldn't take it anymore. Blue Eyes jumped down onto the boulder and stood at his full height. Mina smirked but didn't turn to him, simply continued to rub her arms clean. He huffed in annoyance and jumped down off the rock, then slipped into the cool water, wading towards her slowly. Though she taught him to swim well enough, he was still wary of the river, as was everyone. But he couldn't stand her being so far away from him and not being able to touch her. She was his wife after all.

As he snuck up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her torso and nibbled on her shoulder blade, telling her it was him. She smiled and moved her neck a bit, allowing him to indulge in her skin as he kissed and nibbled on her sweet spot. She moaned quietly and hugged his arms around her. Then suddenly, she turned and planted her hands on either side of his face, a serious expression on her own. This surprised him, so he pulled back a bit. merely holding her hips gently.

"What is wrong?" He asks.

"I was going to ask you that." She replied, an eyebrow raised. He was silent a moment before he sighed through his nose and dropped his heavy head onto her chest. Her frown softened as she massaged his neck, waiting for him to explain.

"I had a dream. About our child." He starts, though his voice was tight and his body stiff.

"You were in so much pain, and I couldn't help you. I was so far away and I couldn't reach you. When I finally could, you were screaming and crying I didn't know what to do. You were in the most horrible pain ever and I did nothing. Then you stopped screaming. You just..." He looked back up and she was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

"You died. Right in front of me. You gave all of yourself to bring our child into the world and then you left us. I..." He breathed, bringing his head back down with a shaky sigh.

"I was so lost. I didn't know what to do. They put our child in my arms and then... I woke up." He lifted his head again, tears falling down his cheeks.

"I don't want my dream to come true. I don't want to lose you, my love, my wife." He sighs, placing his hands on either side of her own face as he brought his forehead to hers. She was silent, considering his words before pulling away with a soft smile.

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