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The next day, Mina was woken by Ceaser. She felt a hand on her shoulder gently nudging her awake. She blinked awake and looked up at the king who stood above the two sleeping figures, and motioning her to follow him.

"Come. Must speak." he says as she slowly sat up and put the blanket back on blue eyes, who was still sound asleep.

she got up and hissed at the pain on her shoulder, but ignored it as she stood. Ceaser took her elbow and helped her stand slowly, looking at her wound as she stood up straight. Her body felt stiff and sore, but nodded as Ceaser waited for her. The pain now felt like a dull throbbing that was spread across her shoulder, down her chest and to her side, but she walked it off, lifting her chin and fought against the pain as she left the hut. Ceaser smirked at her admirably for that.

She followed him to the large area where he made speeches and froze when she saw all the apes gathered around staring directly at her. Half of them were glaring openly at her, but the other half were smiling in a welcome manner. She nodded to them as they passed and stopped when Ceaser got on his large rock. He nodded to her and held his hand to her. Surprised, she got on the rock with him and rubbed her arm nervously as he turned to the group.

"Ape. safe. human. gone." Ceaser spoke. The apes all hooted and howled in happiness. Then he raised his hand in silence. The whole yard went quiet.

"Human female. save us. she. stay with us. Who says no?" he demanded a talk back.

She looked around a little, a little afraid of what would happen. But nobody spoke up, nobody barely moved. With that, Ceaser nodded and turned to Mina and motioned her over, took her hands and smiled down at her as she stared confused.

"you save my life twice, saved our colony from war. Thank you." He says and she shrugs bashfully as if it was nothing as she blushed, but winced when the pain came back.

After he nodded to her, he pushed her to the front and put his hand on her shoulder as he stood beside her.

"She will become ape!" he says and the apes all holler happily.

They all howled so loudly they woke Blue Eyes from his slumber. He looked around his nest for his Mina and, not seeing her, he began to panic. Then he heard his father and got up, rushing to the door and gasping at the sight. Mina was on the rock with Ceaser, who had her shoulder and smiling at her in respect. Blue Eyes smiled; she was being accepted into the colony!

The next day was a flurry of excitement. The female apes painted Mina in red and brown paint for her acceptance ceremony and made decorations for her hair. There was even a twig crown they made for her. Cornelia even helped her while Mina sat playing with the little ape.

'you are a good human Mina. I am happy you stayed with us.' Cornelia signed after the apes left her with her new outfit.

'thank you.' She sloppily signed and Cornelia smiled, patting her head.

'you make us happy, make my son happy. You are always welcome.' She signs and the girl blushes smiling at the thought of Blue Eyes, which wasn't lost to his mother.

'I know you like my son.' Mina nods slowly, hoping it wasn't a bad thing. Cornelia only smiled and patted her head.

'it is alright. He has finally seen that some humans are good.'

'You will make good ape.' She signs and Mina thanks her. 

Cornelia left as Blue Eyes walked in, taking Mina in. she wore a doeskin dress that reached her knees and hugged her curves, a twig crown with leaves and berries on it, and had war paint on her face. The dark red clay looked darker with her pale skin, and she was grinning.

'you look nice.' He says and she blushed thanking him.

She looked away nervously, thinking they looked a lot like his own aside from the placement of her toes. He put his forehead to her and she hugged his neck. they pulled away and he looked around, then quickly gave her a peck on her lips, then took her hand, leading her to the rock once more and stood on it beside his mother, who was standing behind his father.

She stood facing Ceaser as the apes gathered to watch the ceremony, some hooting happily for her, and others sitting quietly to hear what the king has to say.

'do you swear to protect ape and keep the colony safe?'

'yes.' She nods.

'do you swear to obey rules and do your part for the colony?'

'yes.' She nods.

'then you are ready. You are now. Ape.' he turns her to the colony, who howled and hollered at her. she smiled as they all jumped for joy.

Blue Eyes smiled as the ceremony went on. Apes would come and either shake hands or put their foreheads to hers. She sat patiently until the last of them finished, and then Ceaser stood again, signaling the end of the ceremony. with a pat on her good shoulder, he smiled down at her.

"Welcome. to your new home." he said and she smiled, nodding to him in thanks.

That night, Mina sat in her own newly renovated hut right beside Blue Eyes' and smiled as she snuggled deep into her new nest. as she began to close her eyes, she began to fall asleep, when she heard someone hoot. she sat up and smiled as Blue Eyes stood at her door with something in his hand. he moved the large leaves away and entered at her nod, and moved to her side with a soft smile. she scooted over and he sat beside her, looking over at her shoulder. 

Seeing it looked a little better, he smiled wider and handed her something. She gasped through her nose and smiled softly down at the music box she had forgotten when she left home. She opened it and it played the song. She looked up at blue eyes and put her forehead to his. Both were still, sitting in a comfortable silence as the music rung through the air quietly.

"I... protect you...always..." he says aloud.

She smiles and closed her eyes, petting his head and neck slowly, which made him finally relax visibly since everything began. he gazed at her beautiful bright eyes when she opened them and felt himself leaning in. she did the same and soon, their lips met in a small kiss.

It felt like sparks between them as they kissed each other, but he couldn't get enough. he pulled her body closer to his, molding her to his own as she wrapped her around his neck and pulled his lips closer, if thats possible. He felt his whole body grow warm as his hands roamed her body, hugging her waist and back. She then dug her fingers in his fur and held on tight as he laid her down.

Since she didn't stop him from bringing her down under him, he continued kissing her harder and pressing deeper into the kiss as his hands roamed down her waist to her hips. She shivered and pulled his fur closer as his lips moved down her jaw, her chin and delved into her neck, taking long licks on her skin like she was a sweet treat. She bit her lip as she let him nibble on her neck, sending constant shivers down her spine. He nibbled and licked her neck before lifting his head and returning to her lips, kissing them more.

After about five minutes of constant kisses and touches, Blue Eyes pulled away and looked down at her. her face was red and her lips were wet and swollen. She was even panting through a small smile. He smiled back and kissed her one last time before looking down at her body. Her leg was still wrapped around his own as he pressed himself against her body, sharing each others warmth. He smiles at her with a toothy grin and she blushes brighter. He takes a deep breath and put his forehead to hers as they slow their breathing down. He sat up and took her hands in his.

"I..." he says aloud and she smiles, tears forming in her eyes as she hugged his neck. 

he hugged her back and lay down beside her again. She cuddled up to him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She tucked her head into his neck as he pulled her blanket over them and kissed his chest where the large scars were and snuggled deep within his warmth. They quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, smiles on their faces and no worries in their minds.

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