Twenty One

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Caesar led the apes through the harsh warm desert, looking back at his son now and then as they trekked through the sand. Blue Eyes was held Mina close to his body as they walked through the desert. He would occasionally push aside a strand of her hair and check her vitals, nodding to the apes that she was still alive but it still made him nervous. He almost lost her once, he couldn't lose her again.

As they went over a large hill, they all hooted and cheered as they lay their eyes on a large grove of trees connecting to a huge lake that seemed to go on for miles. They had finally found their Utopia.

(or should i call it Apetopia!😆)

As they all began to rush down the hills and to the crisp green grass, excited and happy for their new starter life, Blue Eyes and Rex stay behind laying Mina down on a large slab of rock and checking her vitals once more. They were weak and slow.

"Son..." Ceaser came up with his wife and son, eyes cast down at the still girl with his little brother in her arms.

"She...may not make it." he says to his son.

Blue eyes shakes his head and hugs Mina to him.

"She will make it. She will..." His sentence faded, not believing his own words.

"Son, you must let her rest. If she is strong, she will survive, but the wound is deep." Ceaser says.

Patting his son on the shoulder, he moved to the entrance and, motioning to Rex who nodded and followed behind, casting one last sad look at Mina, they left the hillside to start to help build homes.

Blue Eyes sniffled and hugged her body close. he managed to stop the bleeding but she was so weak she may not survive this time. The thought terrified him beyond words, and it shook him to think he had to bury her. As she lay there, he caressed her dirty hair and spoke low in her ear. hoping she would hear it.

"Mina, if you can hear me, please come back. I need you. Please..." He mumbled, letting his tears fall on her pale cheeks as he hugged her, his face buried in her neck as he cried.

"B-b-b-b..." He heard and sat up, seeing Minas eyes fluttering, attempting to open.

"Mina, Mina I'm here." he says taking her face gently, pressing his forehead to hers as she finally opens her eyes.

She saw Blue Eyes through a haze and smiled weakly, lifting a shaky hand as best she could, but could only lift it half way. Blue Eyes took her hand and pressed it to his face to feel her. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked up at him. he looked tired and sore, but he seemed relieved.


"shh, don't talk now. just rest, you'll be ok." He says caressing her hair as he pulled her close, hugging her body to his.

"I love you Mina." He says, taking her face in his hands.

"I...l-love you..." She says aloud, her voice raspy and quiet.

Blue Eyes smiles and kisses her cheek, lingering for a moment before pulling away and laying down beside her, careful of her wound as he moved around, and held her in his warm embrace.

"Mina, about Lake..." he felt her shake her head, slowly and carefully turning her body to him.

She said nothing this time, only caressed his coarse fur on his cheek and brought his face closer. Smiling softly, he reached down and kissed her with fever, but gentle so he didnt hurt her. When they pulled away, she tucked herself into his chest and buried her face in his neck, sighing in happiness as she drifted off to sleep again.

The next few days were hit and miss. Mina would wake up and find herself able to speak lowly and weakly. Another day and she could sit up a bit, with the help of Blue Eyes of course. Then other days all she could do is open her eyes a bit and fall back asleep. Those were the days that Blue Eyes paced, afraid she wouldn't wake up.

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