"You did too, and look what happened" Taehyung replied, "all I'm saying is that he might know than you think, that's all."

"Maybe, but I hope not," Jeongguk said, "anyways, I'm not going."

"Jeongguk, look at me," Taehyung said, and the younger did what he asked. "I'll stay by your side the whole time, and you can just try to not talk to him. And if he has something to say to you, I'll deal with him."

Jeongguk still wasn't convinced, so he stayed silent. But, he was being stubborn on purpose since he was curious as to what the older would do to convince him.

Taehyung then kissed his forehead, mumbling a quiet "please" and then kissed his nose, ear, temple, and then cheek as he repeated that same six-letter word.

Jeongguk couldn't get enough of his cuteness, and he also knew that he should be brave, after all he was Jeon fucking Jeongguk. Why should he let someone else have control over him?

"Okay fine, I'll go" he said, making Taehyung smile.

"Yay!" He exclaimed, then pecking his lips "now let's get you ready because this is not going to work."


"They're already here" Jeongguk said, as he and Taehyung got out of the car "Hoseok just texted me."

"Alright" the older replied as they walked up the house together. Jeongguk was nervous, though he didn't want to be. 

Taehyung took his hand and held it, their fingers then entwining "don't worry about it, okay? It'll be fine."

"Right" Jeongguk thought to himself, trying to stay positive "it'll be fine."

Hoseok and Jimin was waiting on the lawn in front of the hosts' house, and once they spotted the two Hoseok began frantically waving, while Jimin gave a small yet awkward smile.

The two walked up to them, and Hoseok's jaw dropped as he studied Taehyung, mouthing to Jeongguk "he's so hot" when the older wasn't looking.

Jeongguk gave Hoseok a small hug, while he and Jimin just awkwardly nodded at each other, trying to smile.

"This is Taehyung," Jeongguk said "Tae, this is Hoseok, and Jimin."

"Hi!" Hoseok exclaimed, already going in for a small hug. Taehyung accepted though he glanced at Jeongguk as a cry for help.

"God! You're so cold" Hoseok exclaimed, "should we get you inside-"

"Oh no, my body is just naturally like that" Taehyung reassured him "but it's great to meet you, Hoseok, Jeongguk's told me a lot about you."

"You too!" Hoseok exclaimed "and Jeongguk talks about you too, actually he once said-"

"Hobi" Jeongguk shot daggers at him, afraid that he might somehow embarrass him.

Hoseok laughed awkwardly, and Jimin mumbled a quiet "hi" to which Taehyung gave him a respectful smile.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go in!" Hoseok exclaimed, to which the teenagers did. When they walked in, the party was wild. Music was blasting loudly from its speakers and there were tons of people dancing.

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now