Chapter 11 - New family member

Start from the beginning

"Not every guy would hurt you like that, you just have to let go and let the right guy in. You give the best relationship advice Eve, I'm sure you'll do just perfect in a relationship" I gave her an assuring squeeze on her hands

"Aria is right. You can't keep punishing yourself all because of that imbecile and his slut. You need to be happy. You deserve it." Riley added.

"Probably while you're still busy blaming yourself, the idiot is it there enjoying his life. You have to be happy. You need to happy. You have all a man will need in a woman" Layla said.

She looked up at us and smiled, a smile which didn't reach her eyes. "I guess y'all are right. I deserve to be happy. I'm done hating myself for falling in love with that harebrained Trey. Its all over now. For good."

"Yay!" We squealed like little kids.

"Now that's the Everly I know" I smirked.

"But" she added and we all went silent. "Coaches don't play"

"Eva..that's not what I expected to hear" Layla whined.

"Me too" I agree
But looks like she has already made up her mind.

*                         *                                        *

I was having a nap, when my phone went off. I lazily snatch it from the beside table, it's my brother Lawson.

"Hello bruv" I smiled.

"Aria" he sounds like a happy toddler who just received his first video game.

"Yeah? Are you okay?"

"I'm more than okay! Elma just gave birth. I'm a father now"
Oh my God!! He really just received his first gift, and its a baby!!

"Are you for real?? Am an aunt now? Oh God? Where's she? where are you guys?" I gush out

"We're at the hospital. I'll text you the address" he replies.
"Okay" I get up and quickly get dressed.
I make my way to the hospital not bothering to wake Nora up, since she must be fast asleep and I really don't have the time to wait for her.

By the time I arrived, the whole family is already there.
"Where's she?" I asked my mum.

"Aria" she beams. "They're in there" she points to a door. "Lawson hasn't left her side since she gifted him our little bundle of joy, My first grandchild is a boy" she begins to tear up. Its a boy! My nephew.
Without another word I rush into the room.
"Elma" I squealed once I opened the door.
"Shh...she asleep" Lawson replies, the tiny wrapped baby in his arms as he coos him softly. Elma is laying on the bed, looking like an angel, with her pale skin, her red hair is a little bit messy.
What a caring dad Lawson is. Taking care of the baby while the mother is asleep.
"May I?" I stretch out my arms to hold the little baby.

"He's such a cute little sweetheart." I smile at my nephew. Lawson looks at him so lovingly

"Ari" I look up to find Elma smiling weakly at me

"Elma! I'm so happy for you"

"Can I hold him" she opens her arms

" He's your baby after all" I hand the baby over to the mother.
"He's so cute-" she's cute off by the soft creaking of the door.
"Can I see my grandson now?" I recognize the lady to be Elma's mum Alana.
"Mother" she squeals" Elma looks an awful lot like her mother. Her pale skin resembles that of her mum, only that Alana is a little lighter and has a reddish brown hair, different from that of Elma which is red.

She takes the baby from Elma and gently coo's him.
"He's such a beautiful baby" she smiles at her grandson.

*                               *                               *

The rest of the week was filled with joy. I informed the girls about Elma and Lawson's baby and they were all excited to meet him.
  My family and that of Alex had already fixed a date for our wedding, which is a month after my graduation. The Steins are making sure things happen as quickly as possible. Not that I'm complaining.

My graduation ceremony is in few a weeks and I couldn't be happier.

The girls agreed to meet at my place, so we can go see Elma and her baby.
Ten minutes later, they arrived and all   head to Lawson's. Avery came with us,  since she was less busy in school today. She attends NYU and she's in her first year.

"I can't wait to hold baby Marcus again" Avery smiled. "Can't believe I'm an aunt already."

"I know right? How time flies" I replied, caressing her hair. I wasn't driving today, the Steins gave decided to give me Queen's treatment, so they hired a driver. He drove, while we sat at the back.

"Whenever I see you both, I really wish I had a little sister" Layla smiled dreamily, causing us to chuckle.

"Why? What about Helena's daughter huh?"  Riley smirked, wiggling her brows.

"Hell no! That little witch is as evil as her mum!" Layla yelled. We all burst into laughter.  That's right, Layla's told us tales of how her nine-year old stepsister tried to hurt her.

"Don't call the poor girl that" I teased.

"Poor girl? Never in a million years. Don't get me started on how she put ten spoons of salt in my coffee and made me drink it without knowing, how she poured olive oil on the staircase, so I could fall and fracture a bone or a couple of bones. She's a witch"

"Well I think she's cute" I grinned, just to annoy her.

Annoying my friends is my hobby.

"She's not cu--" Looks like she realized what I was doing. "You arsehole!" she said through gritted teeth, causing everyone to laugh.

We finally arrived at Lawson's, Elma was with little baby Marcus in her arms, with stuffed toys around the bed.

"Aww he's so cute" Avery ran towards them to hold him, while we followed behind her.

"What a cute little baby boy" Everly exclaimed, caressing his puffy cheeks.

"Oh my God. He has such beautiful eyes." Riley and Layla said in unison.

"My baby. Let me hold him" I stretched forth my arms to carry him from Avery.

We spent the rest of the day with Elma, Lawson and the newest member of the family, Marcus.
Elma told us how painful it was bringing him to the world and how Lawson never left her side during delivery. Lawson also added how she kept on yelling at him when all he was doing was to pacify her. We all laughed.

The day was stress free and fun.
I wish everyday goes like this.

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