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'Ezra.' Ezra looks around his room. He could've sworn someone had called him.

'Ezra. Ezra!' The voice shouts. Ezra stands up from his position on his bed.

"Kanan? Is that you?" Ezra says aloud.

'Ezra, we need some help. Ellie got hurt and we're stuck in a snowstorm. Tell Hera to get to Hoth.' The voice says. Ezra runs out of his room to the cockpit.

"Hera, we need to get to Hoth!" The boy shouts immediately.

"Ezra, slow down. What's wrong?" The Twi'lek asks.

"Kanan and Ellie are in trouble. Ellie's hurt and they're stuck in a snowstorm. We need to help them!" Ezra explains.

"My radar does show that a snowstorm is on Hoth." Sabine comments.

"They'll freeze out there. We have to save them!" Hera puts her hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Ezra, calm down. First thing we need to do it find a place to land. The ice could give away under the Ghost if we don't find a solid landing. Now go get ready. You, Sabine, and Zeb need to go out there. Chopper and I need to stay with the ship."

"Thanks, Hera."


"Ya see anything?" Zeb shouts.

"Nothing on my thermal scanners!" Sabine replies.

"They have to be around here somewhere." Ezra mutters.

"Can't ya use the Force to pinpoint 'em?" Zeb asks.

"Oh, right." Ezra laughs sheepishly.

"Just make it quick, before we turn into popsicles." Sabine says. Ezra reaches out into the Force, trying to locate his sister and Master.

"Over here!" Ezra takes off, Sabine and Zeb right behind him. "Start digging."

"I gotta boot!" Zeb shouts after a few minutes of digging. Sure enough, a brown boot was sticking out from the snow.

"That's Kanan! Hurry! The storm is picking up!" The trio begin to work quickly, shoveling snow aside as fast as possible. After finding Kanan's other foot and Ellie's feet, Zeb and Ezra both pull them out of the snow. Kanan had wrapped himself around Ellie in an attempt to shield her from the worst of the storm. When Zeb tried to pull the girl out of his grasp, Kanan subconsciously held on tighter.

"I can't get 'em apart! Kanan, let go already!" Zeb shouts at the unconscious man.

"Let me try." Ezra kneels by his Master. The moment Ezra lays a finger on him, Kanan's grip loosened.

"I've got Ellie. Grab Kanan and let's go!" Ezra grabs his sister while Zeb slings Kanan over his shoulder. Ellie moans slightly as Ezra lifts her into his arms.

"It's okay, 'Ana. I'm here." Ezra whispers.

"Ghost to Specter-5, we need to get out of here now. I won't be able to get the Ghost off the ground if the storm picks up any more."

"We're on our way. Just get the med-bay ready." Sabine answers to her comlink. The trio run through the snow quickly. Chopper was waiting for them at the cargo door.

"Chopper, shut the door!" Zeb shouts at the droid. Chopper quickly shuts the cargo door.

"Everyone's onboard." Sabine says through the internal com.

"Hang on, we're getting out of here." Ezra feels the Ghost lift off the ground and the ship flies into space, away from the ice-cold planet Hoth.

Rebel Twin (Kanan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now