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The story about Lisa's dad abandoning her is partially a true story.

My mother, when she was a kid, experienced what she experienced.

My grandpa (sadly 😒) IS known as a womanizer. (I say "is" because I will forever see him as one) He had many affairs while he was married to my grandma. You could say I have many many aunts and uncles that are quiet younger than me. Step uncles and aunt 🤦🏻‍♀️.

One day, my mom and my grandma caught him with another woman. (Actually, no, A TEENAGER! Keep this in mind, he was a grown ass man that was dating a young teenage girl. Absolutely terrible) My grandma asked him to decide to come back home with them or stay with the girl.


I kid you not,

Right in front of my mom...

He chose the other girl.

And because of that, my mom and her family suffered with lack of money and, most importantly, mentally.

My mom blamed herself.

She thought that maybe if her other sister (whom she believed was his favorite) was there, then maybe he would've stayed with the family. Up until this day I do believe she still thinks about it.

But, she grew stronger from that.

She forgave her dad.

He's now with a different lady whose almost half his age. Literally, she's around my mothers age and has MULTIPLE children. (I still think I have a lot more)

She studied and worked hard. Met my loving and hardworking dad and moved to the US where they became US citizens and grew a family. I have a beautiful older sister and an amazing younger brother.

She wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, that's my story!

Tah tah for now!

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