Feild Trip (Parley)

Start from the beginning

"Bye guys see you after school,".

~Page break for our hate for Flash~

The ride to school was uneventful, harley and I sat in back and cuddled, while Happy complained about PDA and , "Not in the car,". Sadly, we arrived at Middletown ten minutes later.

"Don't worry Sweetheart," Harley said squeezing my hand. "Well be back together before you know it,"
I sigh, not really wanting to get out of the car but doing so anyway. I groan and trudge into school, really not wanting to be here today. I bump into Ned as I'm putting my stuff away.

"Dude wait," He says just as I open my locker "We have a decathlon meeting, they said to bring our stuff,"

"That's... weird," I say closing my locker and walking with Ned to Mrs. Aholes classroom I guess our usual teacher was sick. As Ned and I slipped into our seats she spoke.

"Thanks to FLASHES influence." she says, practically beaming, "We are going on a field trip... to Stark Tower!!!"

While everyone cheers I slam my head into the desk. I'm so gonna kill Dad when I get home...

"MR. PARKER, you should be grateful Flash talked me into letting you go, since you're clearly lying about your internship there for attention,"

"You would know all about lying for attention, wouldn't you?" I kid from the back pipes, I turn around to see Nico, feet propped up on his desk holding hands with his boyfriend Will. Mrs. Ahole goes red as the whole room tries not to laugh.

"Mr. Di Angelo, I should ban you from this trip,"

"Ya good luck with that," he says taking his feet down and leaning forward "I wanna see how this goes down,"

Mrs. Ahole huffed, "Anyway everyone on the bus,".

"Ned, break my arm please,"

"No way dude! This is your chance, plus your fam might actually kill Flash,"

"I know, that's what I'm scared of, and you know, the hell I'm going to go through from my family,"

"Oh cheer up loser," this one came from MJ, who never looked up from her book, "His face will be a great addition to my collection."

The ten minutes it took to get to the tower fly by faster than I would have liked, the next thing I know I'm standing in the lobby listening to Flash.

"Hey Penis," I hear Flash say loudly, "Ready for me to prove you're internship is a fake, I bet once Tony finds out, he'll give me a REAL internship.In fact. He'll probably think of me as a son."

I cringe, I see the ladies at the front desk gove Flash a dirty look, they all know me by name.

"Flash never, once, have I ever complained, whined, or told anyone that you constantly harass and bully me. But please, please don't do it here," I say, sadly he sees this as a challenge.

"No way Penis, I'll prove that your lie is a sham and drag you through the mud,"Flash says laughing, I groan. Great, now we're gonna have a dead Flash. One of the desk ladies looked like she was gonna say something till she was cut off.

"Mornin' everyone," My head shoots up and I see..


He looks over and winks at me.

"Hello everyone. My names Harley, one of the old man's two personal interns. I'll be your tour guide today. Now before anything else, you need your security badges. White, what you guys have, is for visitors and will expire once you leave. Purple is for reporters and paparazzi. Blue is for people who have business with S.I. Green is for regular Interns. Yellow is for paid scientist. Orange is head scientist. Red is for The avengers who don't live in the tower. Alpha Red is for the Avengers and other people Tony has personally approved that live in the tower. Now, when I call your name come get your badge so we can I.D you."

Peter Parker Field Trip Tropes and Parley ShenanigansWhere stories live. Discover now