Chapter Fourteen

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“Oh, Sadie, you’re home.” Laura smiled as she wiped her hands on the towel that she held. Sadie looked up. Laura looked like she always did from the bakery, flour dusting nearly every inch of her and a happy smile on her face. Normally, Sadie just blew her off, but today she felt giving. Laura had been so nice to her, she’s welcomed her into her home with open arms. The least Sadie could do was be nice to her.

“Yeah, I am home.” Sadie smiled sweetly. “How was the bakery today?”

Laura’s eyebrows dropped in confusion. “The bakery was fine. There was kind of a rush for cupcakes today, but that happens nearly every day.” Her face was still puckered in confusion, but Sadie just smiled and nodded. A rush for cupcakes made sense.

“Do you need any help with anything?” Sadie offered, noticing the hand towel in Laura’s grasp.

The older woman snapped out of her confusion and shook her head, laughing softly. “No, no. I’m almost finished. It’s just the dishes. I can handle it. Besides, you have homework to do, I presume.”

Sadie smiled and nodded, then turned and headed for the stairs. She got a few steps and turned to face her step-aunt. “Thanks for taking care of me.” Sadie smiled. “It means a lot.”

Laura looked taken aback, but quickly recovered. Smiling, she said, “No problem. No family of mine gets left out in the cold.”


“Where were you yesterday?” Marianne demanded once Logan stepped through the threshold of the house he’d spent the last seventeen years of his life in.

“I was out.” He sighed. He was happy and of course his mother just had to ruin his good mood.

“Out where? I don’t remember giving you permission to leave this house.” Her voice had a clipped warning tone to it and she was tapping her toe against the Brazilian Cherry flooring of their entrance way.

Logan sighed, again. She must’ve just gotten back from a business meeting since she’s still wearing her heels and grey outfit. “If you must know I was at Corbin’s.”

“Corbin’s? As in Corbin Garcia?” She scrunched up her nose. “How many times have I told you, son, I don’t like that boy. He’s too much of a, a, hoodlum. Are you and Adam not getting along?”

Like she actually cares if I’m getting along with Adam or not. She just has a thing for Adam’s dad. “It doesn’t matter to you, so why ask?” With that, he pushed passed her and dashed upstairs before she could question him further.

“I talked to your coach! He said to quit skipping practices! You need to keep it up or no college will want you!” She called to him before he was in the sanctuary of his bedroom.

He slammed the door shut, blocking out his mother’s chiding, suffocating persona. Since when did she care? Oh, right. Since she became CEO and everything became a business deal. He sighed, and to think he was so happy before he stepped foot in this suffocating, too-big house.


Sadie slumped onto her bed. She’d just finished a long conversation with Laura about life and the meaning of it. She’d also helped make dinner and after eating Sadie realized that she had yet to let Kyla know about everything that had happened between her, Logan, and Adam.

Glancing at the pile of books on her desk that she had yet to do, Sadie pulled out her phone and opened up a new conversation with her best friend.

Sadie Salina Falls: Hey girl hey! (:

KylaMae: Hey there beaut. (; How be SC?

Sadie Salina Falls: Same as it has been. Como es MBF?

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