Chapter Thirteen

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Logan panted softly as he slowed to a jog in front of the home of the Falls family. He knew where they lived by default since Laura was on the Brandy Parent Committee with his mother.

After his mother had dropped the bomb of their divorce he had jumped from the couch without a second thought and started screaming at his mother and his father about what they were doing to their family. David had sat perfectly still with the same tired expression on his face and Marianne had sat with her back straight up and a blank expression on her face. After he realized that he was getting nowhere he stormed out of the house and ran to the Falls’s, leaving behind a crying Mackenzie and two stoic adults.

Rapping lightly on the front door, he begged that Sadie was home. A middle-aged man answered the door a second later.

“Yes?” He inquired.

“Is Sadie home?” Logan asked. “I need to talk to her.” He explained further.

The man chuckled. “No, son, she’s not. She’s at the movie theater.”

“The movie theater?” Logan questioned aloud. Inside his head he added, “Is she on a date?”

“Yeah, she works there. She didn’t tell you?” The man’s bushy dark eyebrows bunched together slightly.

“No.” Logan sighed, pacing slightly back and forth on the small stoop. “Do you think she’d be able to talk?”

“Yeah, yeah. She should be able to. I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to.” The man chuckled lightly. If it weren’t for the situation, Logan could probably like the guy. He seemed pretty nice and calm. Almost like a young grandfather. A very young grandfather.

“Alright. Thanks.” Logan said before jumping off the stairs and waving to the man. He dashed off towards Main Street to Ocean Cinemas.


It had been a slow day at Ocean’s for Sadie and she was just leaning against the concession counter in the dimly lit old-fashioned theater when someone came bursting through the doors. She straightened up trying to be able to see who the person was and for a brief flash she became scared that he was a robber or something.

“Sadie, I really need to talk to you.” Logan halted in front of the counter, spreading his fingers across the glass top. Sadie’s breath escaped her in a gust, along with the flash of fear that had just stabbed at her heart.

“Are you crazy?” She screeched at him, throwing her hands up into the air in exasperation. “You scared the crap out of me!” She gently laid her head into her hands with her elbows propped at an angle on the glass top in front of his hands.

“Sorry, but I really need to talk to you.” He pleaded with her, but she was having none of it.

“I’m working, Logan. Does that mean anything to you?” Sadie questioned, an edge to her voice. She couldn’t help it, she was irritated with him.

“I know you are, Sadie, but I just really need to talk to you. Please.” He begged.

“Gawd, this is so like you.” She groaned. “Just showing up somewhere and begging and demanding someone’s attention when they are already busy.” He flinched back at her tone and she knew that she was hurting him. Did she care? No, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with him at the moment.

“Please, Sadie. It’s not how you think it is.” He begged. “Besides, you’re not even busy.” He lifted his hand and brushed it through the air, motioning at all the empty space around him. He had a point. They were the only two in the large front room.

Sadie narrowed her eyes at him. “Logan, I don’t have the patience to deal with you at the moment.”

He sighed, seemingly attempting to let out the building fury blazing in his ocean-blue eyes. “My parents are getting a divorce, and you say that you don’t have the patience to deal with me at this moment?” He let out in one giant puff of aggravated air.

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