I'm At Your Bedroom Window

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A warning for my fellow travelers: if you ever have a layover in Philly over night, don't spend the night at the "Economy Motel." And if you absolutely must, steer clear of room 103.

I was heading south to visit some family members for a few weeks, and unfortunately the only flight available included a 7 hour layover in Philadelphia.

Not wanting to spend those hours huddled outside the airport, I rented the cheapest motel I could find, and took the shuttle over at about 11 PM. The place was just about the shadiest looking motel I'd ever seen, but it was a bed, right?

I checked in and headed to my room- 103. Exhausted, I immediately collapsed on the bed. A bit lumpy, but not terrible. Not bothering to take my contacts out, I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander.

I was yanked back to reality by a loud grumbling from my stomach. Right. The airline hadn't fed us. Annoyed, I dug around in my bag for one of those microwaveable soup cups, which I tossed in the room's microwave. As the microwave rattled away, I noticed a piece of paper wedged underneath it. I yanked it out and unfolded it. There were two words scribbled on it hastily- "Don't look." Huh. Whatever. I tossed it aside and retrieved my soup.

Feeling lonely, I hopped online to see if anyone was on. I was in luck- my long distance boyfriend happened to be on Skype. I called him up and we chatted awhile, trying to keep our voices down. Eventually, though, he said something that made me laugh, and I heard a muffled curse come from upstairs.

Feeling guilty, I said my goodnights and ended the call, with the intention of getting a bit of rest before my next flight.

As I lay in the now dark room, I noticed a thin stream of light coming from where the curtain didn't close completely.

Annoyed, I got up to close it. I was almost at the window when I heard it:

"I can see into your bedroom."

The voice sent a chill up my spine. It was very quiet, and high pitched, like a child's. It was so soft, I wasn't sure I hadn't just imagined it. I shook my head and reached for the curtain.

"I know you can hear me. I'm at your bedroom window, and I know you can hear me."

I jumped back as a shadow crossed the stream of light coming into my room. I definitely hadn't imagined it that time.

There was a voice, directly outside my door. Someone was out there, looking in. I jumped back into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin.

"I'm at your bedroom window... I know you can hear me. I can see in your bedroom. Are you listening to me? I know you can hear me. Come, take a look. I'm at your bedroom window..." the taunting went on and on, rattling into my thoughts and leaving me paralyzed in fear.

Suddenly I heard the tenant upstairs moving around again. Footsteps stomped over to the door above, and I heard muffled shouting.

"Hey, shut up down there. This isn't funny, I have work in 4 hours!" The door upstairs slammed, and there was silence. I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back against the pillow, determined to get some sleep.

"I'm still out here... Come look out your window."

I sat straight up, heart pounding in my ears. The voice was back. It whispered on and on, repeating it's mantra over and over again. I put my hands over my ears and rocked back and forth, trying to block out the sound. It was no use, the longer I sat there, the louder it got, until I could hear it so clearly, it sounded like it was right next to me.

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